Sludge Villain Attack

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Being quirkless in a society filled with amazing quirks, did not feel good. Being looked down upon because of not having a quirk, did not feel good. Being told your dream was impossible because, again, not having a quirk, didn't feel good. Izuku was warned by his dad about the negativity he'd get in school, not that he didn't know that already from living on the streets for a year because of it. Still, it hurt.

Izuku's dad taught him how to fight within the first two years of living together. Being who he is, was dangerous in the society he lived in and Shota knew Izuku needed to protect himself. At first, it was simple self defense. Izuku was pretty good at it despite his age and clumsiness. Not good enough for it to be some sort of quirk, but still good.

Izuku decided he'd be the first quirkless hero. It was his childhood dream that didn't have any true meaning or conviction, but on his tenth birthday, Shota asked if he still wanted to be a hero. He explained to Izuku how difficult it would be. He never used the word impossible, just far more difficult. Izuku still wanted to be a hero. Both he and Hitoshi.

"All right, I'll train you. It'll be a lot harder than when I was teaching you how to defend yourself." Shota warned.

Izuku didn't change his mind. He'd be the first quirkless hero! As time went on, his conviction increased. He went from simply wanting to be the first quirkless hero, to wanting to improve other quirkless people's lives. He'd be the symbol of hope for them. He'd show the world that even someone who doesn't have a quirk can be a hero. That way, no one can call quirkless people a burden or useless. He'd end the hate for those like him and he'd never give up.

Like Shota promised, the training was gruesome. Not abusive like other... I'd say people but I think monster fits better. Still, the moment the training was over, Izuku would pass out making Shota carry him home. And when he adopted Hitoshi it was the same thing. He had them spar each other nearly every day. At first, Izuku would always lose. He was stronger than Hitoshi, but he couldn't keep his mouth shut. Sometimes even Katsuki would join them. The training was tiring, but it sure did help them.

A few years later and Izuku, Hitoshi, and Katsuki were complete badasses. Especially Izuku. He could hold his own and even win a few times against a brainwashing and explosion quirk whose users were also very skilled in fighting. Still, he had a long way to go if being attacked by a sludge villain told him anything.

I can't go out like this! After all the training I've done I'm going die by being drowned a blob of sludge?! This is so pathetic! Izuku usually walked with Hitoshi and Katsuki, but he had to tutor a kid who hated him. The stupid teachers knew he was smart, so they forced him to tutor kids. Even if the kids bullied him mercilessly the entire time. And do the teachers give a damn? No! But, you know what? That's fine. Just fine. It was good practice. He had to use his brain to teach an idiotic kid while dodging various attacks. Good practice.

Anyway, Izuku told Katsuki and Hitoshi to leave without him. He really didn't want them to start a fight on his behalf. He was grateful and all, but the kid wasn't worth the energy.

"Hahaha, I'm evil! Mwahaha!" Yeah, Izuku didn't actually know what the villain was saying, so he just made something up.

Izuku heard another voice. Then freedom. He fell to the ground and gasped for air. He couldn't believe he almost died because of some fucking sludge.

"Are you ok, young man?"

Do I look ok?! Izuku had to bite his tongue to keep that response from slipping through. Instead, he looked up and said, "peachy." Ok, still sarcastic, but not flat out rude. He then noticed who he was talking to. All Might looked at him with concern and slight confusion.

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