Australian Cattle Dog

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The 'Aussie' Cattle Dog is a compact, muscular and robust medium-sized dog with an intelligent expression and alert, pricked ears. Their coat is close and dense, offering excellent protection against weather and scrubby undergrowth.


Smart and quick to react, the Aussie is a very fast learner, but their tendency to use their teeth to move other animals (including humans) can be an issue. Early socialization and training to encourage a softer mouth is necessary. Naturally wary of strangers and very willing to guard and alert via barking, this is a breed that needs plenty of training and experienced owners, but will reward that by being a loyal, hard-working companion. 


Lifespan: 13-15 years

Weight: 17-23kg

Height: 43-51cm

Colors: Blue, blue and tan, blue black and tan, blue speckled, red, red and tan or red speckled

Size: Medium


Dogs suitable for experienced owners

Extra training required

Generally healthy breed

Enjoys active walks

Enjoys one to two hours of walking a day

Medium dog

Minimum drool

Requires grooming once a week

Chatty and vocal dog

Barks, alerts and may be physically protective/suspicious of visitors

Could have issues with unknown dogs but gets along with known dogs

May need additional training to live with other pets

May need additional supervision to live with children

Needs a small garden

Best suited to countryside

Can be left alone with training

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