Golden Retriever

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Probably one of the most recognisable and best loved dogs, the Golden Retriever is outgoing, playful, and probably the perfect pet for just anyone. Their tolerant attitude and the fact that they're intelligent and easy to train makes them excellent family dogs for either experienced or inexperienced owners.

You won't be able to count on a Golden Retriever to be a guard dog though, as they will try to befriend anyone who gets close to them. Plus, they love being the center of attention so they will thrive with a loving owner who can give them all the care and affection they need.


The Golden Retriever is a gentle dog with a level disposition, and usually adapts well to family life. They love to be involved in all matters, whether indoors or outdoors. They are foremost a retriever and will attempt to drag, pull, or carry anything they can fit into their mouths. They also love water and care should be taken to ensure their safety when any form of water is nearby. Golden Retrievers are, however, worriers, and great care should be taken during training, ensuring sensitivity is maintained at all times.

As long as they have been introduced to cats and other furries as a puppy, they will happily live with all other household animals.

The Golden Retriever will suit an owner or family who are active and love the great outdoors, and who want a friendly, trainable large dog that needs lots of exercise and will join in with all activities with joy — and love everyone. 


Lifespan: 10-12 years

Weight: 27-34kg

Height: 51-61cm

Colors: The Golden Retriever comes in various shades of gold from light to dark

Size: Large


Dog suitable for non-experienced owners

Extra training required

Need to be aware of potential health issues

Enjoys active walks

Enjoys one to two hours of walking a day

Large dog

Some drool

Requires grooming every other day

Quiet dog

Welcomes everyone happily

Generally friendly with other dogs

Gets along with other pets with training

Great family dog

Needs a large garden

Can live in semi-rural areas

Can be left occasionally with training

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