"Of course", Jimin said calling Joon.

"Hyung, she wants to talk to you"

"Here", Jimin handed his phone to her.

"Oppa, did you eat?", She asked.

"First eat something oppa!", She whined.

"Promise?", She asked.


"Jinnie Oppa? Say my hello to him."

"Food first, work second" she said in her serious voice.

"Bye Joonie oppa", she handed the phone to Jimin but stopped midway and screamed, "I love you!"

"Come I'll feed my bunny", Jungkook said pulling her chair closer.

It was no secret that she looked tired.

"Yoo Oppa?", Aera mumbled coming inside the room rubbing her eyes.

"Come here", He said patting the bed.

He closed his laptop and kept it on the table.

She crawled beside him and leaned against him.

He chuckled and took her on his lap.

He kissed her forehead as he asked, "My kitten's so tired today?"

"Mmhmm", she hummed snuggling more into him.

"Wait", he said as he took off his shirt.

She smiled as she snuggled into the warmth.

He rubbed her back and kissed her cheek.

She was almost asleep when she shook her head and forced herself to wake up.

"Yoo oppa, I wanna say something", she mumbled casting her head down playing with her fingers.

He smiled as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"Hmm. Tell me, what's bothering you?", He asked holding her palms and kissing them.

She was still looking down.

"Look at meee", he whined lifting her chin up.

Confusion was clearly written over her face.

"You know you can share anything with me, right?", He asked caressing her cheeks.

"Hmm. I know that oppa. But I am confused if the matter is serious or not", she said with a baffled expression.

"First voice out your thoughts kitten", He said in a gentle tone nuzzling his nose with her's.

"Okay. Oppa, you know from the past few days, I am feeling more uncomfortable, you know, here ", she said pointing down.

He listened attentively as it was a matter of her health.

"Uncomfortable?", He asked.

"Mmhmm. The flow of white discharge is so much. I can't tolerate it. It makes me, you know, feel icky", she scrunched her nose.

"Do you feel any pain?", He asked worried.

She shook her head.

"Itchiness?", He asked caressing her hair.

She shook her head again.

"Do you feel anything out of the ordinary? Like swelling or redness?", He asked.

"No oppa", she said leaning against him back in his warmth.

He knew basics, but not in depth like Jin.

He called Jin.

After discussing with Jin, they planned to get her officially checked again.

It was almost a month since the last checkup anyways.

"Baby, Mrs.Moon is back to service. You want her or Ms.Yumi?", He asked.

"Moonie ma, please", she yawned.

"The appointment is fixed tomorrow, after school. Okay?", He asked.

"Yes oppa", she mumbled her eyes drooping.

He offed the lights and laid down with her on top of him.

He chuckled softly.

"You know after your first period, Jin hyung learnt everything needed about a female body. We were so worried because, it was so unexpected for us", He said kissing her head.

His hands ran through her back and side.

He was wondering how years went by.

He never wanted her to grow up.

"Hmmph. I love you oppa", she kissed his cheek in her sleepy state and adjusted her position.

"Sleep peacefully, my kitten. I love you too", He said in a whisper.

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