Chapter - 1

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My routine has always been the same for many years , I woke up in my usual time to go for the morning run, but today, I felt different, like something unusual was going to happen, which was quite odd . I shook off the feeling and started my usual business, then went down to have breakfast , where I found Mrs. Nancy is setting up the table .

She was my nanny since I was a baby, but I considered her my nanna rather than a nanny . She has been there for me my whole life even after I grew up. My parents couldn't let her leave since she was more of a family rather than an employee, so they gave her caretaker's job . I called her nanna since I was a baby, and she loved me as her grandbaby . She didn't have any children of her own, so she loved our family as her own . She was heartbroken when she learned about my parents' death and stayed with me , supported me when everyone left me . After breakfast, I left for the office.

Being the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company comes with its own set of responsibilities and duties , one of which involves going there and keeping the company running . Entering the premises, I looked up the building. I hoped that my father would be proud of me and the work . I took off my sunglasses and went inside , directly towards the private elevator that is just for me or those who have the code .

Entering the floor I found my secretary Rose waiting for me with my usual cup of coffee and my routine of the day , she was the first secretary who didn't make googly eyes at me to get the in pants but just wanted to get the job . She is going on maternity leave in two weeks since she is due in two months . She is like the older sister I never had , her husband works in the accounting department, and he is a good guy. She has been working for me for five years now and she is great at what she does.

'' Well hello there, boss, how are you this morning?'' she said while handing me the coffee.

'' You know I said stop calling me boss '' I said while rolling my eyes, but I know I was smiling .

'' Yeah , since when have I started listening, anyways you have back to back four meetings , then some important papers to sign. Oh, and I also put out an advertisement for a job interview for my replacement, which will be held tomorrow.'' she side in one breath while rubbing her very prominent belly and following me to my office.

'' Please stop reminding me of the nightmare you and your mini devil are causing '' I said while mockingly glaring at her, which caused her to laugh while shaking her head.

'' Oh stop you big baby you don't even have to do anything, I will be doing most of the work anyway '' she said rolling her eyes and taking a sit in front of me.

'' Well, I have to deal with the replacement if she is not good enough like you'' I said while shifting through the papers she handed me.

'' You know I will not leave you in bad hands , I will train them myself, so don't worry yourself, "she said, getting up and walking toward the door .

'' Yeah, you better, or I will make both you and your little devil do the job '' I said mockingly.

' Yeah right, get ready, you have a meeting in five minutes '' she said while walking out.

After completing all my work and meetings, I went out to take my mind off work but didn't notice how far along I came. Looking around, I notice a small café , there is a large sign above reading ''Mamma's café '' , since I was already here I may as well check it out . Entering the café a bell rings right above the door , I walk towards the cashier to stand in line to order . Soon, it was my turn to order , I noticed the cashier checking me out shamelessly , which is quite irritating .

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