And after that, they just sent emojis back and forth like dumbasses.

When he was about to reach home, Jimin hesitated, then sent:

Jimin: I also miss you.

After pressing send, his heart jumped all over the place, and he couldn't even bring himself to see how Taehyung responded.

But a few seconds later, Taehyung directly called him!

Blushing like mad, Jimin picked up: "What is it?"

"Didn't you miss me? I'm letting you hear my voice." From Taehyung tone, he was definitely smiling.

Jimin's lips automatically curved upwards, yet still said, "You narcissist......"

Taehyung had a super optimistic personality, thus treated this as Jimin's way of flirting, and incredibly elated, replied, "I read online that when a Libra says 'I miss you', what they really mean is 'I love you to death'. Am I right?"

Jimin hung up on him.

A while later, Taehyung sent a text:

Taehyung: I also love you, mwah! ╭(╯3╰)╮

After this convo, everything that happened w/ Sung Hoon got thrown to the backs of their heads, completely forgotten. You could see just how brainless those drowning in a love-filled honeymoon phase were.

After going home, Jimin spent all day exchanging sweet nothings w/ Taehyung on WhatsApp.

Since the day Taehyung almost found out the issue w/ his WhatsApp number, he quickly added his parents on his side account, found an excuse to convince his mom, and settled this affair.

Every day, Taehyung would send him extremely corny and sappy words of love, and at first, Jimin felt super embarrassed, but after accepting it, he slowly opened up as well.

Once, Taehyung even purposely sent him a screen cap of a girl's invitation to make him jealous.

Taehyung: [screenshot attached]

Taehyung: Boyfriend yo, how should I respond?

Jimin: Think about it yourself. If you dare go, you can wait for death.

Taehyung: Then you have to give me kisses so I’ll be obedient 😉

Jimin: 😘😘😘

Taehyung: More, I want more~

Jimin: 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘


Mindlessly stupid convos like the one above happened on a daily basis in their WhatsApp log... Some were so embarrassing that Jimin couldn't even scroll back up and look at them a 2nd time. He felt that in all 19 years of his life, he'd never acted so much like an animal in heat!

Their houses were on opposite sides of the city and would take over an hour even by subway to reach, so it wasn't easy for them to meet.

As Korean New Year approached, Mama Park's work got really busy. Seeing that Jimin was home, she'd bring back some of her accounting reports and ask him to help calculate. Jimin's grandma was getting old and also needed taking care of, so Jimin only had time to go out and meet up with Taehyung for a meal, movie, and then a secret make-out session in an empty bathroom.

Taehyung also drove over in a car to visit once. He got his license the summer he graduated high school, and w/ his family's chauffeur, came over as practice and to see Jimin. The two of them only spent a little while at a coffee shop nearby before Taehyung had to return.

And that very night, Mama Park asked him during dinner if he was dating.

Jimin lied with a "No", but felt guilty and alarmed, fearing that his mom had seen him and Taehyung kiss in front of the coffee shop, just like that time they got caught by Sung Hoon......

Luckily, Mama Park wasn't asking in seriousness. She saw Jimin smiling non-stop at his phone these days, thus guessed that he might have someone he liked.

Papa Park also teased him, saying that it was about time he found a girlfriend, so he didn't need to hide it from them.

Jimin sighed in relief, though still feeling quite jumpy. He didn't dare let Taehyung come over again, fearing that when together, their brain cells would all die and accidentally let the cat out of the bag.

It wasn't that he didn't want to come clean to his parents, but this wasn't the time yet.

Besides, he and Taehyung hadn't even been dating for half a month. Still immersed in the sweetness and passion of being in love, he didn't want to think about anything else.

Korean New Year passed. Jimin's parents returned to work and his grandma went back home. He also wanted to go back to campus w/ Taehyung, but was afraid that the dorms hadn't opened yet.

Taehyung suggested: "Why don't you come live at my house for a few days? After that, we can go back to school together?"

[A small skit]

Sung Hoon gallantly left, and once he reached a secluded location, covered his eyes and darkly cursed: Fuck, the gay guys nowadays act way too overboard, actually kissing and blinding people in public! Give me eye bleach!!

My fake boyfriend | VMINTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon