20. Trip

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Your POV 

I stood next to Eunwoo waiting to get on the bus. We were standing in line and Woo was just behind me. He was cracking up a non-laughable joke again as I gave up trying to make him stop talking. 
"So Y/N tell me what do you call a train carrying bubble gum," Eunwoo asked as I raised a brow in a questioning manner walking forward. 
" A chew-chew train," Eunwoo said giggling as we walked inside the bus. I walked straight and sat down on a window seat. Woo sat beside me still laughing at his jokes. 

"hahaha. That was funny. Now could you keep quiet cause I am gonna read. And now don't try disturbing me cause if you do you'll end up in the hospital again. But this time it will be me who beats you up" I said taking the big book of my mother from my bag.

"Whoa, you gonna read that? Well okay anyway weirdo" Eunwoo commented as I gave him a death stare. That was enough to shut him up. I opened the book and started reading. It was the book on the liquids and their effects and recipes on how to make them. I continued reading as the bus started. 

Jungkook's POV 

I huffed looking at Y/N who was sitting in front of me. I could feel the anger rising in me looking at the so-called friend of Y/N sitting next to her. No, it should be me who should sit beside her. That prick from the day I saw him  I knew he was up to no good. 

If there was any bit of hope I had with Y/N, it was all burned down by that prick. That day he was the person who provoked me first by calling Y/n my play doll and I couldn't control my anger. Keo took over and the next thing I knew was probably waking up to Y/N yelling at me. 

But that jerk deserved to be in the hospital for what he said about my Y/n. Yeah, My Y/N. I can't still get over her now, can I? I still haven't found my mate yet. So I suppose it won't be easy to forget Y/n. No, It's impossible even if I had a mate.

Everyone was dancing to the music on the bus but my eyes were only focused on her. The wind blew from the window untucking a few strands of her hair from her clip.  Her eyes were focused on the book, eyebrows frowning and her rosy lips pouting. She had her whole concentration on the book while I had all my concentration on her. 

Suddenly I felt a pull on my elbow as looked at Jimin who was seated beside me. I gave him a look of annoyance as he rolled his eyes. 
"Stop staring at her as if you would eat her up"Jimin mind linked with me as I scoffed. Only if I could. 
"Mind your own business" I sassed back at him, hissing like a snake. 

I continued gazing at my love till the bus reached the destination. We got off the bus. I was walking behind Y/N while glaring at the boy who was continuously talking to her. Cha Eunwoo, wait till we get back at the packhouse. 

Your POV

This is getting a bit strange. I am now in a confused state. I am on a tour with my friend but rather than enjoying the trip here, I am confused after reading the book of potions. I am really starting to believe my mother was a witch or something after reading the content of the book.

I trailed behind the teacher as we walked up to the Holong Mountains. Holong Mountains is one of the most visited places in Arliho. The mountains contain many stories and tales which were passed down and told by our ancestors. I remember my mother telling a few tales too. 

And all these tales always start with these mountains. I have heard of them but never visited this place. I was, at first, not going to attend today's trip. But seeing the Holong mountains on the list of course I had to join the tour. Besides, Eunwoo was so keen to go on a trip with me. 

I walked behind the teacher as she guided us through a few ponds and told us how it was made. I mean, just the myth of how it was made. Like literally whose gonna believe that moon goddesses cried and that's how the lake of tears was made? It's just a made-up story after all. 

I panted heavily looking at the lake of tears in front of me. All the girls in my class were conducting a photoshoot in front of the scenic view. I was not interested in it but I could see in the corner of my eyes my four used-to-be girlfriends clicking selfies and pics with their respective boyfriends and the rest BTS members except Jungkook who was just standing leaning against a tall tree looking blankly at the lake 

Somehow I feel like I have seen the same place before. As if I have been here. There is no way it could be. It's my first time here in the Holong mountains. I closed my eyes listening to the sound of the forest. The sound of the wind, the birds chirping, the water's rippling sound and rest of the nature's voice 

It was calming my stressed nerves and the scent of the forest was refreshing. Just then, I flinched opening my eyes, feeling a hand on my shoulder. Eunwoo looked at me smiling as he stood next to me 

"It's beautiful, isn't it? The lake of tears" Eunwoo said looking at the lake in front of me. I nodded looking in the same direction. I mean, it was really a beauty. 

"Do you know how it was made?"Eunwoo asked walking forward to the lake as I trailed behind him. "The moon goddess cried or something like that I forgot. "  I replied squatting down to let my hand feel the coldness of the water 

Eunwoo chuckled as he shook his head. "You're right. But the real story goes like this. It was said that the Moon Goddess's sister The real Goddess of Nature was killed here. Moon goddess who came down the earth was greeted with the sight of her sister laying down in a pool of blood taking her last breath. Not being able to help her sister she cried her eyes out and just like that this lake was made. It was a day that Arliho town was cursed. An unforgetful event " Woo said as looked up at him curiously. 

"Cursed? Arliho town is cursed? How so?"I asked suspiciously with a hint of curiousness. 
"Well, there is a saying that the villagers here killed the moon goddess's sister so in anger she cursed the villagers. To feel the pain of her sister" Eunwoo said as I looked at him with eager eyes.

"So? What's the curse about" I asked wanting to know the rest. "Hm, I am not sure. But I heard that the descendants of those villagers will live a life of pain" Eunwoo spoke almost in a tone of sadness and pain. 

"And may I ask how do you know about this?" I questioned Eunwoo looking at his face which visibly showed tension and fear which was quickly replaced by a small hearty smile 

" Well, Mom used to tell me. She's from here you know that right?"Eunwoo answered chuckling as he patted my head., I huffed slapping his hands away cause it made me look smaller." yeah Yeah but hey no touching my precious hair" I said puffing up my cheeks. 

"Oh is that so?" Eunwoo looked at me with a teasing smile. He came up to me and cupped my face and squished my cheeks. Then he ruffled my hair messing it up and ran away. I groaned angrily standing up as I chased after him.
"Catch me if you can" Euwoo yelled running away from me."If I catch you then that's your end" I yelled laughing and ran behind Woo. 

Author's POV 

All this time Y/N didn't notice a pair of eyes glaring at Eunwoo and her. And those eyes belong to none other than Jungkook. Jungkook felt his heart churn in jealousy. Feeling his jealousy slowly turning into anger. He was Angry. He was angry because you were with Eubwoo and not him. Because all your attention went to Eunwoo not him, because of your relationship with him. He was burning with fury. 

(Author's Note 

Hi guys!! This is the map for the story. I made it myself so please don't copy my hard work. This is the setting of the story )

 This is the setting of the story )

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