7. Forest

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The school was finally done and back at home. 
I jumped on the bed tired from the first day. Literally so tired. I already took a shower and drank a cup of coffee to relieve my hunger. Today went quite better than expected. It's almost 4 pm now.

I wanted to tour around the town, but the boys insisted they'll tour me around at the weekend. saying that they had a lot of fun things to show. 

I sighed scrolling through my gallery. A lone tear escaped my eye seeing the pictures with my dad when we went on small trips. I really miss him. So much that my heart aches. Stop it Y/N! I can't help but scold myself for being sad in the past. Past is Past and the dead can never come back alive. 

I should distract myself from this pain. I stood up sighing as I looked out the window...The woods!! I haven't checked out the woods after coming back. I smiled unknowingly remembering my childhood in the woods. The woods or forest behind my house was one of my favourite places with Mom, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung. We used to play there a lot, especially me and Kook. 

It was also the first place I and kook met. Jimin and Taehyung were my friends from birth but Jungkook and I became friends at age of 5. We met in the woods when Mom and I were playing and instantly became friends... 

I walked down the stairs carefully. Taking my coat from the stand I wrapped myself in it as I walked out. 

I walked into the woods inhaling the fresh scent of soil and nature

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I walked into the woods inhaling the fresh scent of soil and nature. This is so beautiful. The scenery is calming my tensed nerves. The woods haven't changed much rather than a few more trees grown. It became denser, I guess.  I walked into the deep forest as the light became lesser. Walking around a similar path. I followed the route to the place I wished to be. 

I smiled in satisfaction as I heard the sound of running water and the fresh scent of soil. This is one of my favourite places. This waterfall holds a lot of childhood memories of mine. I and my mom used to visit here always. It was the first place I saw Jungkook too. I still remember him crying over a scratched knee here. That day I and mom helped him. 

After that, we used to come here every day to play and enjoy our time together. 

I crouched down as I let my hand in the water

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I crouched down as I let my hand in the water. Feeling the coldness of the pure clean water. I drank the water before letting my legs into the water carefully not to let my outfit get wet. I don't know how much time passed because it had become dark already.  

I stood up from the place. I better get going otherwise Aunt Lia would be worried. The atmosphere became colder as I wrapped my coat around me tightly. I started walking back hearing the twigs breaking under my shoes. Out of the blue, I heard a howl startling me.

I turned around as I searched in panic. Why am I hearing howls that too in this forest? Am I hallucinating? Probably. My mind must have been playing tricks on me again. I walked again not caring about the voice. I better get going home and take medication.

I walked faster almost running. I stopped running and turned to look behind me. Why do I feel like being watched? I looked in front and again started walking cautiously. My heart thumped loudly. Again, I heard a howl. This time I believe it's not my ears tricking me. It was real and the howl was quite nearby.

I turned back again and that was a bad move. I gulped seeing a grey Blackwolf in front of me. Its eyes pierced into my soul. I am frozen. As much as I wanted to run, I can't seem to move. Observing carefully the wolf's paw was bleeding. My heart was beating fast as I gulped in fear and anticipation. 

The wolf growled again but it wasn't coming towards me  It was as if trying to scare me away. I turned back ready to run back home, but my mind was not allowing it. I looked back at the wolf again who growled at once baring its fangs. But I could see it was in pain and needed help. 

Although I wanted to run my conscience won't allow me to leave him in pain. With fear, I approached him as he growled more loudly this time moving forward as if warning me not to get any closer. He was on guard. I sighed rubbing my hands together as I walked in front of him. He snarled at,e as he turned around wanting to go away from me. 

I took more steps forwards as he turned towards me hurling at me and stood in a fighting position ready to pounce at me. I raised both my hand, surrendering, as I tried to show him that I was only trynna help and not harm him. The wolf looked at me curiously now with his big eyes as I sat in front of him, gently taking his big paws which were bleeding in my own hands. He snarled taking his paw away from me. 

"Lemme just help you" I muttered softly grabbing his paws again hoping he would understand as I made an awkward gesture. He looked at me with a fierce expression but didn't resist anymore. I slowly examined the bleeding paw, before taking my handkerchief. I wrapped it around the wound tightly to stop the flow of blood. 

"It won't help much but at least I'll be less guilty. I wonder what's wrong with me. I am sorry I don't have any ointment with me at the moment, but it will stop the bleeding" I spoke laughing awkwardly. Here I am conversing with a wolf. A damn Wolf! 

The wolf looked at the wound and then back at my face. He seemed less fierce now. He came closer his snout almost close to my nose. He turned his neck sides ways resting his head on my neck as I freaked out inside. Is he going to kill me? bite me? I shivered slightly feeling the snout of the wolf on my neck as it rubbed against my skin. 

I felt a little ticklish but soon the wolf pulled back and looked at me wide-eyed. I quickly stood up and dashed back home without looking back. 

I slammed open the door of the house got in quickly and closed it behind me. Aunt Lia looked at me surprised. 
"Oh, Aunt you're back? "I asked rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. She smiled nodding asking me how the day was as I replied to her as usual. 
" Aunt, Are there wild animals in the forest?"I asked curiously as she looked up from her coffee cup and shook her head answering. 

"Not really. Maybe you'll find small creatures like rabbits and squirrels. Maybe monkeys too. If you're lucky you'll find a deer. Nothing much wilder than that. Why would you ask? "She spoke.

"Oh, nothing. I was just in the forest before you came. Thought I heard a howl. Must be my mind playing tricks on me" I said standing up ready to go to my room. 
"Eat your medication on time dear" Aunt informed me as I nodded walking away. 

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