13. Broken Hearts

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

The gigglings and sweet melody echoed in the forest as the two souls sat near the river. One playing with nature while the other is painting something on the canvas. The young girl who was playing started singing, her beautiful voice echoing through the forest. 

"Little one, you very well know how bad I am at painting compared to you. Then why do you ask me to draw a portrait of you? " The second woman with white hair and beautiful blue eyes asked as the other stopped singing. 

The other woman with beautiful similar blue eyes and blonde hair walked up to her sister as she looked over at the canvas. "Wow," she gasped smiling as he twirled around holding the canvas. 

"Come sister you drew me so well. Then why do you complain? I knew you have a talent for painting. That's why I asked you to paint this for me Moonie" The woman spoke addressing her sister. " Yeah, but it can never be compared to yours. Anyway, I need to go back soon Little one" Moonie said patting her younger sister's head. 

"Huh? But why so fast? I don't want you to leave." The younger sister looked over her elder with teary eyes. "I'll come back soon. So don't cause any trouble okay" The elder one said as the younger one nodded hugging her Moonie. Just then the elder one disappeared into the air. 

But what she didn't know was that the next time she comes back a whole chaos was waiting for her

"Y/N!!! Y/N!!"....

Y/N woke up looking around. She sat up looking at the clock to see she was already being late for school. Without a second thought, she showered and dressed up. Taking her bag, she dashed out of the room and yelled a bye to her aunt not before taking the packet from the dining table as she rushed to her school practically running. 

Your POV

I ran into the school as the second bell rang. It was my first time being. Already knowing my schedule by heart, I dashed to my Sociology class. Just in time, I reached. The teacher didn't come yet. I walked up to my seat, slumping down on the chair panting. Taehyung who took the same class as me poked my head from back. 

I looked behind as he raised an eyebrow questioning my late entry. " Overslept" I muttered as the teacher who now entered the class took attendance. The class went by rather quickly as I tried to focus. Yeah, I TRIED to focus cause my mind kept on pondering about the dream I had. I kept thinking about the two women and felt familiar with them. 

I sighed hearing the bell ring as I packed up ready to go to the next class. Tae pulled me by my bag as we walked out side by side. I gave him a bright smile as he returned it back. 
"You're lucky enough to get in time today. You seem quite happy. What's the news?" Tae asked as we walked to English class. "Hm had a good sleep. By the way, where is Jungkook? " I asked curiously. " He was absent Monday but then I saw him come the last three days. I try to approach him. He keeps running away from me. He's been avoiding me. I am going to catch him today for real. Besides, tomorrow is his birthday " I said looking around to catch a glimpse of the raven head 

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