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Chapter 52. Dance with the Devils [part 2]

Iris waited in the ballroom, tapping her foot impatiently. Fifteen minutes had passed, and she didn't know anyone at the party. She was getting bored, and her eyes wandered around the room, looking for something interesting to catch her attention.

A waiter approached her, carrying a tray of champagne flutes. "Would you like a drink, ma'am?" he asked, offering her a glass.

"No thanks," she declined, remembering the last time she had tried alcohol. She had taken a sip from Elias's glass and had been disgusted by the flavor. She realized she had no tolerance for any alcohol, and it left a bad taste in her mouth.

Iris tapped her foot impatiently in the ballroom, looking around for something interesting to catch her attention. Suddenly, she felt a hand touch hers as she flinched, turning around.

"What?" she said with a yelp.

"Oh," she said, her eyes widening as she recognized the face. "Liwei!"

"Iris," Liwei smiled, his eyes curving, but Iris missed the dark calculations hidden within them.

Liwei's smile appeared charming at first glance, with his lips upturned in a friendly manner. However, there was a glint in his eyes that was hard to place.

It was as if there was something more lurking beneath the surface of his expression, something that wasn't quite right. His eyes seemed to flicker with a hint of malice.

"What brings you here?" she asked, trying to make small talk. God, I need to learn how to socialize.

"I'm here for the party," he said, looking around. "It seems we have more in common than I thought," he laughed.

Iris furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I didn't expect to see you here," Liwei said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But now that I have, maybe we can catch up?" he suggested, offering his hand for a dance.

Iris hesitated.

Your two protective gorillas would kill the man if you touched him, her subconscious snipped.

But they are not here, and it would be rude to refuse.

You can die. I won't miss you. Her mind deadpanned.

"Please," Liwei urged. Iris took a deep breath and looked at Liwei's outstretched hand. And after a deep thought accepted it.

As they moved to the dance floor, she couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling in her gut.

Liwei's hands were firm as they held her close. She could feel the heat emanating from his body- it made her uncomfortable. She tried to focus on the music, but her mind was distracted by Liwei's strange behavior.

"So, how's life treating you?" Liwei asked, twirling her around.

"It's...fine," Iris replied, feeling awkward. "How about you?"

Liwei was a skilled dancer, and he effortlessly led her around the floor, twirling her in circles. Iris tried to relax and enjoy the moment, but she couldn't. Her gut was telling her something was wrong with this man.

"Oh, I can't complain," Liwei said, a sly smile on his lips. "I've been keeping myself busy."

"With what?" Iris asked. Liwei leaned in closer to her ear. "With taking care of some unfinished business," he whispered, his tone sending shivers down her spine.

Iris pulled back, a look of fear in her eyes. "What do you mean?" Liwei just smiled cryptically, refusing to elaborate any further.

Liwei took her hand and led her away from the crowded dance floor as the song ended. Iris's heart started pounding as he took her to a secluded area.

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