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Sprout and Dude sat down together while the rest of the gang were sat at the table all still eating. Sprout glanced over at Dude and smiled at him but Dude was too busy watching the TV to notice Sprout smiling at him. Sprout suddenly turned away to face the TV once he thought Dude was turning to look at him. He couldn't let Dude know he was staring at him, he would've found him weird.
"Him there. He is one of my favourite actors" Dude pointed at one of the actors on the screen. Sprout smiled and nodded agreeing with Dude. He had no idea who this actor was but he wanted to impress Dude, he didnt know why but it was like something in his mind was telling him he had to impress Dude.

"Guys we have to go. We're gonna be late for the show  if we dont go now" Pip looked at Dude and Sprout who seemed to be enjoying watching the TV.
"Coming" Sprout stood up and smiled. Dude stood up and walked over to Pip
"Sproutie. I need to talk to you" Candi looked at Sprout.
"You two talk, be quick we have to do the show in 15 minutes" Pip smiled and walked away with Dude

"Do you like Dude?" Candi looked at Sprout with a smile on her face. She put her hand on his arm to let him know that she supported him.
"Of course I do, he is my best friend" Sprout smiled knowing exactly what Candi meant but he wasn't gay, he didnt like Dude like that.
"You know what I mean" Candi smiled and glanced at the door then back at Sprout
"No I dont like him like that" Sprout looked at Candi then walked away before she could say anything else. He didnt like Dude like that, he was his best friend and he wasn't gay. Was he?

They'd gotten to the part of the show where Sprout was tired and Dude was supposed to help him.
"I'm tired" Sprout sat down and sighed. Dude came up behind him and put his hands on Sprout's shoulders.
"Are you okay Sprout?" Dude smiled. Sprout nodded. Sprout had a weird feeling in his stomach, it made him feel all tingly and strange and he didnt like it so he stood up and put his arm around Dude. Dude put his arm around Sprout and smiled.

"Can we hang out?" Sprout smiled at Dude as they sat down together
"Just us?" Dude looked at Sprout
"Yeah, I think we could watch a movie together" Sprout smiled hoping Dude would agree. Dude was his best friend and he wants to spend time with him
"That sounds like a couples night" Dude laughed
"What?" Sprouts face dropped and Dude noticed
"Let's do it, tonight" Dude smiled trying to cheer Sprout up.

"Candi?" Sprout walked into his sisters room, she was the person he could trust the most.
"What's up Sproutie?" Candi smiled as Sprout closed the door behind him. Sprout sat down beside Candi and sighed a little
"You were right" Sprout smiled
"About what?" Candi giggled, she wasn't  right often. Sprout looked at Candi. Candi smiled and threw her arms around her brother hugging him tightly so that he knew that he could trust her.
"I like Dude" 

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