Candi's fall

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"What in that small brain of yours told you that it would be good idea to scare Candi when she's at the top of the slide?" Dude shouted as he ran over to Candi and Misty.
"Dude relax she's fine. She's still alive isnt she?" Misty glanced at Candi then looked back at Dude
"She's crying in pain holding her arm" Dude knelt down beside Candi and put his hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her
"She's still alive, it's not that big of a deal. It's probably just a scratch" Misty rolled her eyes
"Misty, just go home tell them I'm taking Candi to the hospital" Dude turned his head around and looked at Misty before he helped Candi stand up
"The hospital? Don't you think you're being a bit dramatic?" Misty scoffed
"I'm getting her checked out, she hit her head aswell" Dude looked at Candi who still had tears rolling down her ace
"Fine. I'm going" Misty rolled her eyes and walked away.
"Dudey, it hurts" Candi said as she took a deep breath to try to stop herself crying 
"I know it does Candi, come on we'll go get it checked out" Dude smiled a little as he and Candi started walking towards the hospital which was luckily only  a five minute walk from the park.

"Misty, Where's Dude and Candi?" Sprout said as he saw Misty walk through the door alone
"They're at the hospital" Misty mumbled
"They're where?" Sprout looked confused
"At the hospital" Misty said a little louder
"Why are they at the hospital Misty?" Sprout asked as Bud walked in
"Candi fell and hit her head" Misty looked at the floor
"She did what?" Pip said shocked as her and Mimi walked in
"What did you do?" Mimi could tell by the look on Misty's face that she had done something
"I'm sorry. I scared her and she slipped and fell off the top of the slide" Misty didn't take her eyes off of the floor
"The big one?" Bud worriedly said but Misty shook her head
"The little one" Misty looked up to see everyone stood looking at her
"Is she okay?" Pip said as they all sat down
"She was crying and holding her arm when I left" Misty shrugged her shoulders
"Did you apologise?" Bud asked
"I couldn't" Misty said as she looked at Sprout then back at the floor
"Why?" Sprout asked, he already knew that it was going to be something to do with Dude because of the look she had given him
"Dude was too busy shouting at me" Misty muttered
"Misty when they get back you have to apologise to Candi" Mimi put her hand into Misty's shoulder
"I know" Misty forced a small smile.

"We're back" Dude walked in and the rest of the gang all turned to look at him and Candi walking in
"Candi I'm so-" Misty rushed over to Candi and Dude
"Leave her alone Misty" Dude interrupted her before she could apologise. Misty looked at Candi and walked away
"I'm tired" Candi rubbed her eyes
"You go to bed Candi. Shout one of us if you need any help" Dude smiled and Candi slowly walked to her room.

Dude sat down beside sprout and looked at Misty who was sat silently deep in thought.
"What's your problem?" Dude said to Misty
"Nothing" Misty rolled her eyes and left the room
"What was that about?" Dude motioned towards Misty
"She tried to apologise to Candi and you told her to leave her alone" Pip looked at Dude
"I didn't know she was trying to apologise" Dude looked at the floor then at Pip
"You could've let her finish her sentence" Mimi muttered
"Looks like misty isn't the only one who needs to apologise to someone" Bud looked at Dude. Dude sighed and walked towards Misty's room.

He stood in front of Misty's bedroom door and took a deep breath before he knocked.
"Who is it?" Misty shouted
"It's me" Dude slowly opened the door
"What do you want Dude?" Misty glared at him
"To talk" He walked into misty room and closed the door behind him
"What do you want to talk about?" She patted her bed and forced a smile
"I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't know you were trying to apologise" He sat down beside her and looked at the floor before looking back at her
"I should've expected it. You don't trust me that much do you?" Misty tilted her head a little
"Of course I trust you misty. I just didn't want you to say anything that might upset Candi" Dude looked a little shocked that Misty thought he didn't trust her
"Like what?" Misty sighed 
"I don't know. I should've let you finish your sentence instead of assuming" Dude shrugged his shoulders
"Thanks. I'm sorry about what happened at the park. It's my fault Candi's injured" Misty smiled and then looked at the floor
"She broke her arm that's all. She'll be fine don't worry" Dude smiled as Misty picked her head up and looked at him
"She broke her arm? I didn't see a cast on her arm" Misty looked confused 
"I gave her my jumper to wear because she didn't want anyone to see it" Dude laughed a little 
"I'll talk to her tomorrow and apologise to her aswell" Misty smiled and her and Dude stood up
"That's a good idea" Dude smiled as he opened the door and left Misty's room

"So how did it go?" Pip turned around to look at Dude as he walked back in the room
"I apologised" Dude smiled as he sat down beside sprout again
"Good. Is she still gonna apologise to Candi?" Mimi stood up and sat herself between Dude and Pip
"Yeah. Did any of you notice the cast on her arm?" Dude looked at the sprout 
"What cast?" Sprout looked confused
"You really didn't notice it?" Dude smiled
"Is that why she was wearing your jumper? To cover it?" Pip looked at Dude
"Yeah. I thought at least one of you would've noticed the bright pink cast" Dude laughed a little
"Your jumper was covering it dude. How would we have seen it?" Mimi smiled as she put her hand into his arm
"You could see it if you looked at her hand" Dude moved Mimi's hand
"We didn't look at her hand Dude. We thought she was fine" Bud smiled.
"Come on gang. It's getting late let's go to bed" Sprout stood up and smiled. The rest of the gang agreed and they all went to bed.

It was the next morning and Dude and Sprout went to wake Candi up and she was sat on her bed with her pink teddy bear wide awake.
"Hey Candi, are you okay?" Sprout smiled and Candi threw her blanket over her arm and nodded her head.
"Why did you cover your cast Candi?" Dude peered his head into the doorway and smiled at sprout before looking at Candi. Candi shrugged her shoulders and forced a small smile.
"Do you want us all to sign it?" Sprout smiled as he noticed the sad look on Candi's face. Candi quickly shook her head and dude and sprout looked at each other confused.
"Candi are you sure that you are okay?" Sprout looked at Candi worried
"I'm fine Sproutie" Candi smiled and she grabbed Dude's jumper and put it on making sure that it covered the cast.
"Come on then, let's go get breakfast" Dude smiled. Candi followed as Dude and Sprout walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey Candi. I'm sorry about yesterday" Misty said as Candi walked into the kitchen.
"It's fine Misty" Candi forced a smile and sat down. Mimi sat down beside her.
"I love your cast Candi. It's fabulous" Mimi said trying to cheer Candi up
"You haven't even seen it Mimi" Candi sighed
"Are you okay Candi? You're not your usual happy self" Mimi looked at Sprout who just shrugged before looking back at Candi
"My arm just hurts a little" Candi looked at the floor
"Candi" Sprout said sympathetically
"I'm going to go to my room. I don't feel well" Candi stood up and walked to her room

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