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"Candi move" Misty glared at Candi who was stood in front of her watching the tv.
"Misty, leave her. Why don't you move so you can see" Dude looked at Misty and Misty rolled her eyes before moving closer to Dude so that she could see around Candi. Candi giggled before she started dancing and trying to copy what she could see on the screen. Dude and Sprout smiled at Candi and laughed a little
"Can she ever just stand or sit still?" Misty muttered to herself while rolling her eyes.
"Leave her alone " Dude nudged Misty, misty realised that dude had heard her but she didn't care. Misty picked up her glass of water and as she did Candi accidentally bumped her. Misty spilled a drop of water, Misty rolled her eyes and tried to ignore it. Candi stepped away from Misty and carried on dancing. A few moments later Candi bumped into misty again and spilled a some more water on her
"CANDI FOR GODS SAKE CAN YOU JUST STOP" Misty stood up with the glass of water still in her hand. Candi froze just staring at Misty, tears welling up in her eyes. Misty realised what she had just done
"Candi" Misty's tone softened and she placed her glass of water on the floor. Candi was still stood frozen in shock.
"MISTY" Dude stood up followed by sprout. Misty looked at Dude and Sprout not knowing what to do. Sprout stood next to Candi and put his arm around her shoulder trying to comfort her
"Why would you shout at her?" Sprout glared at Misty. Misty looked at dude then looked at the floor. Misty began walking out of the room and turned around to see Candi in floods of tears with Dude and Sprout hugging her. Misty quickly walked out of the room.
"I'm sorry" Candi sniffled as she tried to stop crying. Dude and Sprout looked at each other as they both stepped back a little to give Candi some space.
"You didn't do anything wrong Candi" Sprout softened his tone trying to reassure Candi
"Yes I did Sproutie" Candi sadly nodded her head
"Candi, I promise you didn't do anything wrong" Dude put his hand into her shoulder trying to convince her that she hadn't done anything wrong but she didn't believe them.
"But Misty shouted at me. I didn't mean to bump into her" Candi looked at the floor
"Misty is just tired Candi. She didn't mean to shout at you" Dude smiled reassuringly as Candi picked her head up

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