Waking the Gang up (Christmas Day)

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"WAKE UP EVERYBODY!!" Candi jumped out of bed as she glanced at her clock and saw it was finally Christmas Day! She ran into Dudes bedroom nearly falling over her fluffy pink slippers.
"Dude, wake up! It's Christmas Day" Candi shook Dude awake. Finally Dude opened his eyes and picked up his clock
"Candi it's 5 in the morning, go back to bed for a few hours" Dude had a faint smile on his face and he was trying to be nice but he was very tired. Candi sighed a little but went back to her room and went back to bed.

"Candi wake up" Sprout shook his sister awake and Candi smiled
"What time is it Sproutie?" Candi hoped that it wasn't too early because dude complained she woke him up at 5 so it needed to be later than that
"It's 8 in the morning! I'm surprised nobody else is awake" Sprout smiled as his sister stood up and flung her arms around him.
"Let's go wake everyone up" Candi looked at Sprout. Sprout nodded his head in agreement. They first went to wake Dude up, they knew he wouldn't get annoyed with them for waking him up but everyone else might. Sprout shook Dude and Dude slowly opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Sprout.
"Dude it's Christmas" Sprout smiled
"And it's 8 in the morning" Candi added pointing out that it wasn't too early anymore. Dude laughed a little and climbed out of bed.
"Go wake everyone else up but leave Misty." Dude smiled. Candi and Sprout nodded as they rushed out of Dudes bedroom.

Candi and Sprout had decided it would be easier and quicker for them to wake people up separately.
"Mimi, Mimi" Candi poked Mimi who was clearly ignoring her.
"MIMI" Candi shouted next to Mimi's ear, Mimi pulled off her sleep mask and looked at Candi who had the biggest smile on her face and she just couldn't be mad at her.
"I'll be in the kitchen in a minute, go wake the others up" Mimi smiled at as she sat up.

"Bud and Pip are awake" Sprout smiled at Candi
"So is Mimi" Candi smiled back. Both of them stood outside of Misty's door and tried to figure out whether either of them were brave enough to go inside and wake her up.
"Let me go in first and wake her up a little" Dude smiled at Candi and Sprout who were patiently waiting outside of Misty's bedroom door.

"I don't want to wake up!" Misty looked at Dude very annoyed.
"If you don't they'll come and jump on you until you wake up" Dude laughed a little and motioned to Candi and Sprout who were stood looking at Dude and Misty
"Fine" Misty stood up. She didn't want to wake up but she didn't want Candi and Sprout to wake her up, she thinks they have way too much energy on a morning.

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