Chapter 46: Ante

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I woke up early, letting Nazar sleep, and dressed myself before going downstairs to prepare a big breakfast. I had a lot of difficulties to fall asleep, my thoughts tugging between Ethan and Nazar. Sad to see one leave and worried the other would leave me. I shook my head and decided to concentrate on making a big breakfast - big enough so Martha and Jonathan could eat before leaving with Ethan. Firstly, I made pancakes, then I started to prepare the eggs and bacon. When it was almost ready, I lowered the heat so it wouldn't be cooked too quickly. In the meantime, I asked the coffee machine to prepare a few cups and I waited. They should be there soon now.

I smiled when I saw Nazar enter the kitchen, fully dressed. "It smells good. How long have you been awake?"

I kissed him before answering. "A little while. I couldn't sleep so I decided to prepare something so they could eat with us." I turned off the stove and removed the eggs and bacon, putting them on a plate. I then took Nazar's hand and guided him in the bathroom so I could clean his wound. Just as I was done, I heard the doorbell ring downstairs. "It's probably them. Can you please check if Ethan is awake and ready while I go open the door?"

"Sure." He answered, getting up and kissing my cheek as he passed me by.

I watched him for a second before turning away and going downstairs. I opened the door and greeted Martha and Jonathan with a smile. "Did you have a good trip? I hope you're hungry, I prepared breakfast." I informed them as they entered the house.

I led them to the kitchen and told them to make themselves at home. I handed them a cup of coffee and put some food on their plates. I was interrupted by Nazar entering the kitchen. He greeted everyone before sitting on a free chair. I gave him a cup of coffee and put some pancakes on a plate before putting it in front of him. "Ethan will be there soon, he's getting ready."

"How are you?" Martha asked in a compassionate voice.

"Not too bad. I'm resting and taking it a day at a time. And in a few weeks I'm starting radiation and chemotherapy to, hopefully, get rid of all this for good." He answered and I smiled slightly; I really hoped he was right.

I turned my head toward the kitchen's entrance when I heard the creaks of the stairs and smiled when I saw Ethan. He was wearing a light blue shirt with a tiger on it and a pair of jeans. It was easy to see he seemed nervous as he slowly made his way into the kitchen. We all greeted him as he sat onto the last free chair and I served him a plate full of pancakes before getting up to give him a glass of orange juice.

"How were your last days of school? Are you happy to be on holidays?" Martha asked him with a gentle smile on her face.

He nodded, his mouth full of pancakes and chocolate syrup. "I'm going to make a book for Nazar one day." He said once he had swallowed.

I couldn't help but smile at this. He had been talking about it for the last few days and he seemed determined to make it come to life. I ate some eggs and bacon even if I wasn't feeling really hungry. My eyes kept going between Ethan and his new family. I knew he would be happy with them; they were great people. But it didn't mean it didn't hurt. I got used to his presence and I was going to miss him a lot. We finished eating in silence and I put the dishes in the sink before turning toward Ethan.

"Ethan, is there anything in your room that you want to keep? You can pick anything you want." I told him and watched as his eyes lowered to his hands for a few seconds before looking up at me again.


"Let's go, I will help you carry everything downstairs." I told him and we walked out of the kitchen. I stopped in front of the stairs and turned toward our guests. "You can come, if you want to."

Everyone followed us into Ethan's room and we watched him walk shyly into the room. He was playing with his hands before finally picking a plushy. "Can I take this?"

"Of course. You can take anything you want." I told him, taking the plushy from his hands and holding it.

It didn't take long for him to pick up some Playmobils. I turned around, handing the plushy to Martha and left the room to take a cardboard box. It would be easier to carry outside. I came back with it and helped him put the little toys inside.

"Can I take this book?" He asked, looking in the direction of Nazar.

It was the book they finished earlier this week. I explained which book it was to Nazar and watched as his eyes became slightly glassy; he seemed really touched by this gesture.

"Of course you can take it with you. I'm sure it will be useful if you want to write your own one day." He replied, sending a smile in his direction.

Ethan smiled brightly at these words and kept it close to his chest while looking around the room. "I'm done."

"You're sure?" I asked and saw him nod.

"I'll carry the box downstairs." Jonathan said, taking it in his arms and leaving the room.

Martha nodded. "I will leave the three of you a few minutes." She said before following her husband.

Once alone, I kneeled in front of Ethan. "I hope you know how proud I am of everything you've accomplished so far. You're so strong and an amazing person. And I'm sure you will become an ever better adult." I started, smiling slightly. "It will be weird not seeing you around but we will keep in touch. And Martha and Jonathan are amazing people." I could feel my throat becoming tighter so I took a big breath before continuing. "I got you something." At these words, I pulled a small, basic phone only made to call.

"A phone?!" He exclaimed, his eyes widening as he stared at the object in my hands.

"Yes. I added my number in it so you can call me any time you want. No matter the subject or the time. I will always be a phone call away, if you need me." I explained, handing him the phone.

He took it carefully, his eyes switching between me and the phone. "Thank you." 

"Do you want to put it into your bag so you don't have to worry about letting it fall?" I asked and, when he nodded, I opened the bag. I put him between clothes so it would be well secured before closing it again. 

I got up and took Nazar's hand into mine, bringing him closer. "I'm not good with goodbyes so I'm going to make this very short." Nazar said, chuckling slightly. "For a long time, I thought all kids sucked but you proved me wrong. You're a cool kid and it was great spending time with you."

These words made Ethan smile with teary eyes. He walked closer to us and stopped in front of me. "You keep your arms like that, okay?" He said shyly after a minute of hesitation.

I nodded, slightly confused. My heart swelled and tears formed in my eyes as he hugged my leg with the arm that wasn't holding the book. He did the same with Nazar before stepping away.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Nazar was a little surprised but very happy. I smiled at Ethan and picked up his bag. We made our way downstairs where Martha and Jonathan were waiting patiently. I thanked them silently as I handed the bag to Martha.

"Let's go?" Martha asked before adding. "We could stop to a restaurant on the way home if you want to."

Ethan simply nodded. After one last goodbye, I opened the front door and watched them make their way toward the car. I stayed into this position until I couldn't see it anymore before turning around and closing the door. It was at this moment that I finally let the tears fall. I was really going to miss him. Nazar hugged me strongly, kissing my neck. "He wouldn't be where he is now, without you. You changed his life forever. I love you." He whispered, not letting go of my body.

We stayed in this position until my tears stopped. Now, I was going to concentrate on Nazar and make sure he was healing properly before the rounds of radiation and chemotherapy started...

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