Chapter 45: Nazar

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I waited patiently as the nurse showed Ante how to clean the wound properly and I smiled slightly when someone handed me my clothes. I was happy I was finally going to remove that hospital gown. Once dressed, Ante took my hand and we left the hospital after listening to the last instructions from the doctor. He called a taxi which brought us back home and we went into the living room.

"We could have walked, the weather seemed nice. And isn't the hospital near the sea?" I said, sitting on the sofa.

"You got out of a big surgery a few days ago. I don't think it's a good idea to tire yourself out right after." He answered and I felt him sit next to me a few seconds after. "Does your head hurt? Do you need me to get you your painkillers?"

I shook my head. "I'm good, no worry. A nurse gave me some before you arrived. My head barely hurts at all."

I scooted closer and carefully put my head on his shoulder. I couldn't help but smile when he passed an arm around my waist. I knew he was worried about me; I could feel it. His muscles were tense and the tone of his voice wasn't the same as usual. I also knew he was doing his best to protect me. But I wasn't naive, I knew how serious this condition was. I knew that radiation and chemotherapy were my last chances of survival and even that wasn't super high. I didn't know what the future held for me but I wanted to enjoy these moments as much as possible. I didn't want any regrets. I wanted to tell him all this but I didn't know how. 

I got out of my thoughts when I felt Ante's arm around me tighten. I blinked the tears away and raised my head slightly. "Let's do something, just the two of us, once Ethan leaves."

"What would you like to do?"

"We could take a few days and travel somewhere, like we used to when we were younger."

"We could but don't forget that you have to rest."

"I know, I know. But we can't just stop living because of what's happening to me. I'm sure there's tons of relaxing stuffs we could do instead." I said before adding. "Once the radiation and chemotherapy will start, we will be stuck here for a while so it would be great to get some fresh air and change our minds."

"I will see what I can find." He answered, pulling me closer carefully before kissing my cheek.

We stayed in this position until Ante got up to reheat the food he prepared for lunch. I set the table before sitting on a chair, smiling slightly at the good smells all around me. He had prepared some paella and the spices were tickling my nose; it smelled divine. We ate while listening to soft music and I helped him with the dishes.

I then went back to the sofa and closed my eyes, feeling exhausted. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up when I heard Ethan's excited voice.

"You're back!!" 

I heard small steps coming closer to where I was as I repositioned myself correctly on the sofa. "Hey Ethan." I said, rubbing my eyes.

"They shaved all your hair!" He gasped, making me chuckle slightly.

"Does it look weird?"

"No. You look the same just without hair."

The answer was so obvious that I couldn't help but laugh. "Then it's not too bad, I guess."

"Does your head hurt?"

"No, it's fine. Don't worry."

"Did Ante tell you that we're learning how to write stories at school?" He asked and I felt him sit on the sofa not too far from me. "One day I will write a story you will be able to read."

Ante told me about it while I was at the hospital but hearing it from him made me happy. "I can't wait to read it. I'm sure it will be amazing."

"You will be the main character!" He assured me.

"Even better." I replied, sending a smile in his direction. I was glad I was able to go back home to spend the last few days with him before he had to leave; his presence here would be missed. 

I listened to Ante helping Ethan with his homeworks, trying not to think of anything else. We then ate leftovers and I went upstairs to take a shower. I was careful to keep my head out of the water as much as possible and I dressed myself before calling Ante. He entered the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He carefully washed my wound exactly like they told him to at the hospital.

"All done." He declared after a few minutes. I smiled when I felt his lips on mine right after and I held his head so he wouldn't pull away. "Ethan is in his bedroom waiting for you to continue your story, if you feel up to it." He whispered a few centimeters away from my lips.

"Sure. Is the book still in his room?"

"Yes, exactly where you left it the last time."

I nodded, kissing his cheek before leaving the bathroom. "Ready to continue the story?" I asked as I entered his room.

"Yes!! I want to know if Matt is able to fight the dragon." I smiled at this and took the book before carefully sitting at the edge of the bed. I continued where I left off and read a few chapters before closing it. "One more chapter, please..." 

"I already read one more chapter than I usually do. You need to sleep otherwise you will be tired for school tomorrow."

"You promise we will finish it before I have to leave?" He whispered and I checked with my fingers how far we were into the book.

"I promise." I replied before holding my fist in the air and waiting for him to fist bump it.

I smiled when he did and I wished him a good night. I left the room, closing the door behind me and went into our room. I was exhausted and my head was starting to hurt again. I sat on the bed and I felt a pair of arms wrap around me a few seconds later.

"How do you feel? Do you need your painkillers?" He whispered near my ear.

"Some painkillers would be great." I whispered back, slightly turning my head in the direction of his voice.

He let me go and brought me a glass of water a few minutes later. He put the painkillers in my other hand and I thanked him before swallowing them. I handed him the empty glass and went under the covers. He followed me soon after and I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer. I really missed this while I was at the hospital.

I really wanted to enjoy these last few days with Ethan as much as possible and be there for Ante as well. It wouldn't be easy for me but I knew it would be a lot harder for him. But we were a team and I would do my best to support him like he did while I was having health problems...

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