The Unreal Dragon

Start from the beginning

That was actually cute.

Noticing something amiss, I asked, "By the way where is Leon? Wasn't he supposed to come with you?" 

"Oh, he already went to the guest house as soon as we arrived," explained Chloe. "He said he will meet you later." 

"Typical Leon huh? Still hasn't changed much at all even after all these millennia" I sighed.

"Yeah, it seems so. By the way Rimuru san, I am pleased to know that you are every bit as happy going and carefree as I had been told. If possible, I would like to have a personal audience with you" said Linda in a polite tone.

Curiously, I asked, "Huh? Is there a particular thing you want to talk to me about?" 

"It's not that." Linda clarified "I just wanted to get to know my fellow otherworlders better. That's all" 

"Well... Sure I guess, I can spare some time" 


Filled with shining lights of various colours, the night sky looked amazingly beautiful. The view of the vibrant city all around was mesmerizing. The multitudes of tiny magicrystals floating in the air created a magical atmosphere. A few words in praise of my wonder castle top, a miracle created by the most talented craftsmen of Tempest.

"This world is such a wonderful place. I never imagined such a realm existed beyond our miserable world" said Linda, staring at the beautiful night sky above us. 

"That's true,"  I said, taking a sip of my drink, "It was a big surprise to me as well when I was first reincarnated here. So how are you finding life in El Dorado? Are you close with Leon?" 

Walking around taking a good look at the view around us, Linda replied, "My days there have been wonderful. Leon is a good guy but I wouldn't exactly say we are close or anything, although we were pretty good friends back on Earth. You know, Leon has a crush on Chloe anyway right?" 

"That's right, but Chloe only sees him as a big brother. However, he has mostly gotten over it and accepted his fate, so it's all fine." I clarified the situation.

"Is that so?" asked Linda in disbelief, "It's actually tough to believe considering the amount of simping he used to do back in the day. But I guess after 7000 years in this world, things can change," she added while taking her seat. 

"So, how long has it been since you came to this world? How did you meet Leon for the first time?" 

"It was around 10 years ago or so, I believe," Sipping her drink gently, Linda continued, "One day, I found myself mysteriously transported to a small forest in El Dorado. At first, I was very scared and confused, trying to make sense of everything. The new skills I had received were unstable as well, which made it even more difficult for me. I believed everything in this world is out to hurt me and so, I started destroying anything that I came across," said Linda with a heavy voice.

"That must have been a difficult time for you," I sympathized.

"Indeed," said Linda with a smile, "And I hate to brag but, I was actually very strong. So strong, in fact, that Leon had to come personally to subdue me. That's when he recognized me and took me in, after knocking me out, of course" she added with a grin.

Changing the subject a little, I asked, "By the way, how do feel about Chloe?" 

There was a moment of silence before Linda spoke again, "She is a great girl. Always ready to help whenever needed and..." her voice trailing off.

"And? Are you feeling alright? Your voice is starting to fall off" 

"Ah yes, I am fine. Besides, doesn't this seem more like an interrogation rather than a conversation since I am the only one answering? Tell me something about you as well" said Linda, attempting to change the topic.

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