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"Ah sorry about that, I'm Koala from Revolutionary army and my leader sent me with something you wanted.", Koala introduced herself and told her reason to be at dawn island.

Luffy nodded and replied, "So that shitty old man sent you with the package I asked. I think I asked him to come personally. Anyways since you are here join us."

"Oi oi shitty rubber aren't you getting too much cocky? You know who is the person she is taking about? The Revolutionary Army's leader, world's most wanted criminal. If he get offended by you then he will kill all of us, Nami-swan, Robin-chwan, Vivi-chwan will die.", Sanji semi shouted with shark teeth at Luffy who used his hands to shut his ears. Zoro thought if that would happen then he could fight against some strong enemies so he smirked. Vivi and Robin knew things so they didn't interrupt and let them do their drama.

Everyone stopped thinking when they heard Koala's giggles, "Now now Luffy-san don't talk about Dragon-san like that, he is a good person though he said back there you would say this. Dragon-san told me that he will meet you at Loguetown." Luffy first laughed but frowned when she finished.

"Oh Loguetown again, you are joking Koala-chan.", Luffy asked her but she said no making him sigh. In the meantime Makino came with drinks for everyone, "Everyone take drinks and Luffy-kun how many days you're spending here?"

"We're staying for 2 weeks bcz I wanna train them before we enter at the grandline. And tomorrow I'm going to meet Dadan, I'm thinking what will be her reaction when she will see me.. Hahahaha.", Luffy said knowing Dadan she would give some comical reaction after seeing him.

"Oh that's good, she will be happy to see you again after 5 years. You guys talk now, I'll hear your adventures later.", Makino happily spoke and left the young ones alone.

"Anyways Koala-chan where is the parcel I asked?", Luffy asked to Koala who nodded and took out a box from her bag and gave it to Luffy. The box was a square in shape and it's sides were almost same as her arm and the height was her finger size.

"Don't use this carelessly since you won't get it again after Ivan-san was arrested in Impel Down.", Luffy nodded at Koala's warning and replied, "Don't worry I'll take of them and use carefully."

The Strawhats were thinking what could be in the box. Then Zoro saw Nami's face and it had a smirk and he guessed she switched into her witch form after seeing the box, it could contain some expensive thing since it's from Revolutionary Army. Not wanting to give Nami too much hope he asked Luffy, "Captain what's inside this box?"

"Oh this, nothing special", Luffy opened the box and showed what was inside it. There were some injections in the box, "It's some shots which will help us in very critical situations." Everyone came into a conclusion that they didn't have any doctor in their ship so it would be good to have medicines so no one pushed the matter and talked about other things.

"Well then my job is done. I should be leaving now.", Koala got up from her seat but Luffy stopped her, "Don't need to be hurry to go back. If you want to stay for some moments then you can, I know your boss isn't that shitty... Hahahaha."

Koala giggled at Luffy's choise of words. She first thought Luffy would be some dangerous looking man carrying a bigass sword with some piece of shit but in reality she wasn't disappointed though, Luffy had good characteristics, behavior and personality. He was a bit jolly to be a dangerous pirate. Like captain like crew, everyone was weird at some point though Nico Robin and Nefertari Vivi were normal. Well who was she to judge them.

"I would love to spend time with you guys but I've my duties. Next time maybe we can fight together against an enemy. See you again everyone.", Koala bid her byes to the pirates which they returned with their own way.

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