Chapter - 41

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Hello my dear readers. Hope you all are fine.

Here is the next chapter. Hope you all would like it.

Please let me know what you think through your comments.

Love you all ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you



At night time :

Night at 11 Saanvi, Rithika, Harini and Rishitha came to terrace.

They thought may be the servant would come there to talk with them and  looked here and there.

" Where is uncle? " Saanvi asked no one in particular

" Don't know " Harini said

At the same time they heard some sounds from one corner of the terrace that scared the girls

" What is it?? " Rishitha asked getting scared

" Shh... We will see..  " Rithika said

" Di, don't go... " Rishitha held Rithika's hands.

" Don't worry! " Saanvi said picking up a rod from the ground followed by Harini while Rithika was with Rishitha

She held it tightly and took slow steps towards the corner along with Harini

As they are getting towards the corner the sound is getting louder.

They could hear some Whispers.

" Who could it be? " Saanvi asked

" Who knows?? But if you think they are threat to us beat them hard without thinking anything. Ok? " Harini said

" Yes... You too... " Saanvi said

At the same time a man jumped on the terrace. Seeing him Saanvi and Harini raised their rods to beat him but at the same time two men held their hands.

" Ahhh... " Both the girls screamed that made the men to close their mouths

" Shhh... It's me... " Reyaansh and Ishan whispered in Saanvi's and Harini's ears.

Both the girls calmed down a bit hearing their voice.

Ishan moved a little away from Harini while Saanvi and Reyaansh immediately hugged each other.

" Manish... " Rithika ran towards Manish

" Are you ok?? " She asked

He nodded as yes and looked at Harini and Saanvi.

" What got into you both?? What if I die? " Manish asked and stood up with the help of Rithika.

" How are you? " He asked

Rithika pouted and hugged him tightly

" Sorry! " Harini smiled nervously

While Saanvi looked at Manish still being in Reyaansh's arms

" Who asked you to enter like this?? " Saanvi said and hugged Reyaansh more tightly looking away

Reyaansh could sense Saanvi's fear in the way she hugged him

He hugged her more protectively and looked at Rishitha who is standing little away from them

Reyaansh opened his another arm for Rishitha.

Rishitha quickly ran towards Reyaansh and hugged him.

While Ishan and Harini are looking at each other standing at distance

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