Chapter - 39

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Hello my dear readers. Hope you all are fine.

Here is the next chapter. Hope you all would like it.

Please let me know what you think through your comments.

Love you all ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you



" Rishitha's mother fixed her marriage with some one who is almost 15 years older than her" Saanvi said

" What?? " They all shouted and the most shocked was Saaransh.

He couldn't believe what he is hearing.

" Haa... uncle said that Rishitha doesn't want to do this marriage but her mother is not listening to her. She even confiscated Rishitha's phone and is not allowing her to step out of the house. " Saanvi said

" What the hell?? How could she do that?? " Manish said

" Iam telling you Iam gonna kill that woman... " Ravi gritted his teeth.

" When is the wedding?? " Reyaansh Asked

" In three days. " Saanvi said

" What does that groom do??" Manish asked

" Don't know Mani, even uncle doesn't know what does that groom do. All uncle knows is that he is almost 15 years older than our Rishitha. He tried to find out the information about that man but couldn't. Uncle said that woman is being so careful about everything. Even they got know about the wedding just two days back" Saanvi said

" We can't let this happen. " Rithika said

" Siddhanth bhai, can you please grant us few days leave. We need to go to Banglore " Saanvi said looking at Siddhanth.

" Not only you. Even I would accompany you to Banglore. Rishitha is my sister as well " Reyaansh said that made everyone to look at him

" Are you sure?? " Saanvi asked

" What's there to ask Saanvi?? Rishitha is my sister and I can't see her life getting destroyed. " Reyaansh said

" What about your meetings?? And you even have a meeting this afternoon" Saanvi said

" Is that important now?? " Reyaansh said

" But... " She was interrupted by Reyaansh

" Akash cancel all my meetings for next few days" Reyaansh ordered

Akash nodded as ok

" Even Iam coming with you" Siddhanth said looking at Reyaansh

Reyaansh looked at Siddhanth and nodded as ok

" Great! Let's go " Reyaansh said

" I need to tell you all something. " Saaransh said that gained everyone's attention

" Not now Saaransh. " Reyaansh said

" Bhai it's very important.." Saaransh said

And everyone could hear the seriousness in his voice

" What?? " Siddhanth looked at Saaransh

Saaransh looked at Advik who nodded his head as yes. Saaransh took a deep breath closing his eyes for a moment and looked at everyone who are now looking at him in confusion

" I... I love Rishitha... " Saaransh said

" What?? " Came the voices of Saanvi, Manish, Rithika, Ravi, Reyaansh and Siddhanth who are shocked

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