She shook her head with a wide smile and reached for the bottle again. He took her hand to kiss her knuckles, "You don't need no more of that."

She pouted, "Why not?"

He guided her away from prying ears, "Why you drinking so much?"

"Did you tell my dad we fucked?"

"He already knew."

She groaned softly, "No, he's gonna kill you."

"He not, baby. We straight," he assured, lifting her chin into a soft kiss. "You wanna come sit with me?"

She nodded and hugged him again as they returned to where her father was still sitting.

She flopped into Kush's lap immediately and laid against his shoulder. Her head was spinning and she groaned softly, closing her eyes at the feeling and gently clinging to him for some kind of stability.

He finally returned Jourdan's blunt-it was a roach by that point.

The man smacked his lips, then looked at Kush, "If you ain't just like Kentrell. The fuck I'm'a do with that?"

He shrugged, "Smoke it."

The man chuckled, "Keep it. I'm finna get up out'a here anyway. Too many young'ins out here."

"Be safe," he replied.

"Y'all, too. And don't let her out your sight. I'm trusting you, son. I'll kill you if you fuck this up," Jourdan warned, pressing a kiss to his daughter's head.

"Yes, sir."

They waved him off before turning back to each other.

"I'm ready to go, too. I want you to myself again," Sojourner hummed, snuggling closer to him.

"Where you tryna go?"

She shrugged, "We can just park my car somewhere. I just don't wanna be here anymore. I'm sick of fake smiles. And now that daddy showed up and left, and I'm drunk as fuck, they're gonna touch me."

"Who go'n touch you when you in my lap?" he hummed, pressing kisses up her jaw.

"It happens at every party and daddy knows it, but he can't always be around to protect me. That's why he doesn't let me go out anymore unless it a Crip party 'cause he'll be here, but I usually have to leave whenever he does so they don't try anything. He can't just kill everybody out here even if he wants to."

"Yeah, but he ain't making you this time. And I ain't finna let nobody touch you, so if you wanna stay longer we can."

She shook her head, "I still don't wanna be here."

"Let's go, then."

She nodded and stood, struggling to maintain her balance. His hand snaked around her waist as he stood with her.

"Do I need to carry you?" he snickered.

She nodded, "To the bathroom. I gotta pee."

He easily lifted her into his arms, "Where I'm going?"

"In the house, hall on the left, second door on the right," she mumbled.


He followed directions, flipping on the light as he walked into the cramped space. He closed and locked the door, then sat her on the toilet and leaned against the counter as he waited.

"Kush," she hummed.

"What's up?"

"I wanna fuck you again. Like as soon as I'm done peeing."

Rolling KushWhere stories live. Discover now