To Plant Fear Into The Heart of Men

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It was February 10 and a mixture of snowy water was falling on the road. A deafening silence roared, warning any sane man to steer clear of the slippery roads. The few who ventured outside at this time of night were well protected in the strip malls, targets, movie theatres, and quiet restaurants serving the few customers left. In one of those sleepy establishments waited 3 gentlemen, with their guns and a suitcase carrying 200,000 dollars tense to make peace. It had been waiting there since 7:40 to the 8 o'clock meeting. It was now 8:08. They sat there tense, they had more than ample reason to believe they were sent here to be butchered and the fact that the man who set up the meeting had not yet arrived had made them even tenser.

It was now 8:09 when a soaking wet figure named Damian entered the restaurant, dawned with a jet black suit, a white buttoned shirt turned translucent from the wet snow mixture and a brown tie with featured a golden stripe dotted with brown zebra patterns. His hair was somewhat long and somewhat short and on his face a short stubble and a heavy chin, he was filled with scars of youth, and his lip was cut. The man quickly noticed the 3 gentlemen sitting at the side corner of the empty restaurant, beside them only one other table was occupied. He made his way and joined them. The 3 very obviously sat beside on appointed leader. "Quite a weather we're having" he cheerfully called as lightning struck and moments later a great big thunder rattled the place "It is the mark of god, the thunder, to plant fear into the heart of man", 23 hundred students at Clark University and I was the only one who knew that". "It's very interesting Mr. Ahab, now, we do not mean to waste your time no longer, we have here the money and we would like to set things right with your employer". "Yes, all in do time, but I have traveled a long way and I plan an eating before I leave, otherwise, we'd be sitting in a target" he chuckled through his attempt at a joke and called out to the waitress. She was a short young woman. She quickly came out from a conversation she had with the chef and attended to their table with a menu in hand.

"Now I hope you don't mind carrying the food, this anxious gentleman chose to sit as far away from the kitchen as they possibly could" "Oh, it's no problem" she answered, "you have tables outside, would have been a blessing to sit in them if not for this cursed weather, "the tables outside also have a flame in the middle to warm up on cold nights, though granted tonight is a little bit too cold". "My god, fire in a table, well that must be a sight to behold". "Know, I would like a serving of fish and chips and some water". "And now you gentleman, don't just stare at the lady, even though there is a lot to stare at" again he laughed. The senior of the three answered in rejection to the offering of food, "nonsense, this is a restaurant, you eat". Not wanting to cause trouble, they each ordered the same meal as Demian, except they replaced the water with Pepsi. Just as they sent the waitress on her way another silent patron entered the restaurant, not wanting to be embarrassed again, the waitress called that she would be right with him. The man sat himself right next to the 4 men and for a second the 3 worried that he was there to open fire but all he did was sit. He sat right behind the 3 men and almost face-to-face with Damian. "Trying to take control of the conversation the leader of the 3 tried to speak. "Now, as I said, we all want this to be behind us, and ill like you to pitch in a good word for your boss, remind him of all the times the Lansky family stood beside him, calm his anger, none of us want to cause war". "I never take sides, and now, what good will it do, his son's blood calls from the ground and you think my good word will fix it? If anything, it will offend it". "But now, we have the 200,000, cash, you think that will make up for it, right?", he struggled to say in a voice quiet enough for others to not hear yet loud enough to make sure he won't be interrupted and when he spoke his voice cracked. Throughout Demian's gaze was centered on the young men at the other table, the eyes and ears of the young boy at the other table perked when he heard that 200,000 dollars were in the suitcase mear meters beside him. It was now Damian's turn to answer and so he disregarded the other customer and shifted his gaze to the leader of the 3 men beside him with such grace that one would assume he was focused on them exclusively for the entire dinner and then he spoke. "Yes, I assume it will pay for it, otherwise, why would I be here", and this time Ahab didn't laugh. He began telling the 3 a story about a chess player but before long the waitress was back with their food and he never continued the story.

A few more minutes elapsed before the leader of the 3 decided to attempt a swift exit yet again. "Well, it's been quite an entertaining evening Mr. Damian," he said, following that he spoke with an assumption that the staff would like to close. "we're keeping them away from home" he argued. A few moments beforehand the young man at the table beside has left for the washroom and so, they appeared to be the only diners present now, the table behind them which was once occupied now laid empty. "We entrust the suitcase with you and let us pay for the dinner". Very well then gentleman, he called for the waitress, "now we would be off in a tip" he spoke to the woman "But before we do id like you to seat with us, there will be a tip I promise" "Gentleman, I used to have a storage container had a hole in it, small and ragged, and every few months I would open it and find a big dead snake. You know how that snake died, it came in starving and small, and it would then find mice who were small enough to come in as they pleased, he would eat the mice and fill his gullet and he was full and satisfied he tried to leave, but was too big and would die of thirst with its stomach foul of mice" "well gentlemen, the past has been put behind us, you may leave, I will pay". He stood up and gripped the hand of each of the men. And, as they prepared to exist turning their backs he pulled out his loaded revolver and opened fire on the three men, piercing their skin and piercing their skull and wetting the tile floor with blood which seeped through the door and stained the snow. The waitress stood up from the chair and screamed, the chef a young muscular man leaped over the counter and was immediately shot twice. He opened fire on the waitress and the restaurant was a battlefield. He stood above the 3 laying men reloaded and took another shot on each of them, the bodies seemed to jump like jello as if the remnants of a soul left and what remained caved in upon itself.

" And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the peoples that wage war against Jerusalem: their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths."

In an instant, he had left 5 dead and carefully left the restaurant so as to not slip on the red snow outside, he was never interested in the money, in fact, his boss never knew about the money. And so he had left the suitcase in the lawlessness of the restaurant. he has made it a great deal to never touch it or leave fingerprints, he took his eating utensils with him. And staked in the forest.

Waiting in suspended horror David Levin would have stayed hunched over on the toilet with legs above the floor. The bell above the door rang signaling that the lone survivor left and the swift end to the chaos. All in all the massacre took 18 seconds from start to completion, he waited 2 minutes of safety before he looked out of the bathroom stall, he waited another 4 minutes to make sure the killer would not return and when he was positive that it was safe he made his way out, next to the table which he was sitting at 3 men were dead, a few steps further the waitress was dead as well. he could not see any of the kitchen staff. To his surprise the mat black suitcase was where it had always been, like a thief, he quietly strolled over to the table and opened the case with wonder in his eyes. He marveled at what was inside, glorious stacks of one hundred bills, the most money he has ever seen, and then, he gripped it with his bare hands, hugging the money making sure not to look at the bodies, and made a quick escape.

And as expected the man left with the money and even though it pained his ego to do so Damian would not take credit for the crime. For it was a man carrying the license plate "431-510" who had stalked the three, shot them dead, and stole the money. It was a ludicrous story but his enemies could not afford to accuse him.

And so never stopping to imagine that perhaps the money was placed there for him by a man called Damin who tamed the king of Israel David Levin made his way home richer than he ever was.  


 Blood Cries Out- Gen. 4:10

Ahab- a wicked  king of Israel, he had inscribed on all the doors of Samaria the words "Ahab hath abjured the living God of Israel". According to tradition he ruled over the entire world.  

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