Honor the Lord With Your Wealth

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the following night the hitman returned to young Davids's untouched apartment using the stolen key. just like the night before, the place was abandoned.

Not prepared to lose his 15,000 dollars he ransacked the apartment looking for where the young man could go. He knew which university the boy attended but would not go to the dorm rooms. There were thousands, beyond incriminating himself he simply didn't know where to start looking.

He scanned each spot of the house, first the pile of papers, then the cabinets, and when he had exhausted all of those options he emptied the fridge, checked every book on the shelf, looked inside of the piping. He even emptied the hover all over the floor. Everywhere he looked there was nothing of substance. He did know his family name, and the kid had a good chance of just leaving to his parent's house, he would probably return In a few days, he striked him as stupid though he never met the guy. Then again, he wasn't going to go through the hassle of checking in at his parent's place and he wasn't sure about returning here. The thought of reaching the kid's parents just striked him as dirty. In all honesty, this wasn't worth it. Someone else would have to do the job, someone who is paid better.

Just as the tired man prepared to leave he noticed one book he hasn't combed through. He wasn't expecting to find anything, from what he could conclude the kid lived his life as a nomad with nothing to tie him down, honestly, he got the imprison that this was a good kid. He Wonder for what did his employers want him dead for. He honestly felt bad for him. But, feeling bad doesn't mean mercy and so, he continued to look. And so, he looked. And, there it was hidden In an old copy of "Crime And Punishment" the one thing he needed, a small note which read "200,00 thousand dollars, in Maine". And, that quickly answered three questions, the kid was stupid, the reason he was hired to kill him where he was going.

For one single moment that semmed a forever he had the perfect plan built up in his head. It was all so obvious and genius at the same time. But, those moments rarely last, the high he felt faded and he was cast down back to earth where he realized how stupid it was. Maine is a big place, he cant just stroll somewhere 320 miles long and 210 miles wide and expect to fall upon some money. And if the kid new any better he probably already traveld there to move the cash.

Well, then he'd have to hunt down the kid, make him disclose where the cash was, again, easier said than done. He left 24 hours ago. Well, he wasn't going to find anything else in the house, it was late but not late enough to be sure there won't be unwanted eyes on him, still, he felt it safe enough to investigate. The parking lot hasn't been cleaned since yesterday, he was pretty sure now that the kid drove recklessly trying to escape and hit the sign. But, it was odd why would he park his car on the sidewalk, it made sense if he was planning on escaping before the hitman arrived, but then, why go down and cook something? And, could the kid really see him coming? It was pitch black that night, plus what reason did he have to keep his door open?

He wondered if any cameras could be found but he knew there were none in the area, he could ask the neighbors what kind of car he had, maybe even go over to the police and report it as stolen, get them to do the job for him. In all reality those plans were the work of fiction, he was not as capable as he liked to appear, he tried to brainstorm something else "maybe the note was fake to fool him?" he could have hidden the money close to home. "No, that's stupid". And in the midst of his despair, he found a small glistening id card, it wasn't the kid, but, he still recognized the name. 

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