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"Nani! I'm not an idiot." Kariya protested still confused as to why they thought him like that.

"Remember, only idiot is the key to access the flash drive. You just crack the code, which means you're an idiot." Kirino explains it to him while some of the members start to laugh. Kariya instantly retreats to a corner of the room and becomes sour when he realizes this.

Kirino hands the laptop to Shindou and then goes to comfort the sullen defender at the corner. The laughs slowly die down as their attention is on the screen. There are many files and some of them are named after a specific date. The one that stands out the most is the file named profiles, without hesitation, Shindou clicks the file.

Once they entered the file, it brings them total shock. This is not what they expected it to be. 'Shizen Genki Eleven Soccer Profile.' Shindou scrolls down and scans the information in it. Everything about Shizen's Soccer is in there the players and their positions, down to their training, tactics, and matches.

No one ever gets grasps this much information about Shizen like this. Shindou exchanges glance at Tsurugi, they finally have the information about this mystery team. Once they met them, they have the most advantage in their soccer match. Shizen don't know what hits them.



n the far side of Raimon town, the Amano Mikado stadium is full of children. The stadium is bustling with excitement though there are some who are anxious about this upcoming event.

After waiting for hours, a person entered the field unannounced while wearing a cloak over every part of their body. This gets the whole spectator's attention, curious about what to happen.

The person in the cloak spreads their arms and surprisingly speaks with a low deep voice. Their voice doesn't sound like it would belong to someone who might be 13 or older judging by its height.

"Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen! What indeed a wonderful day! The sun is shining so bright, and the sky is blue. It's just perfect weather for a soccer exhibition! But!" the Amano Mikado stadium abruptly shuts the rooftop which makes the spectator alarm. "Worry not everyone."

A beaming light strikes the person in the cloak. They can see a glance under the cloak but unfortunately, their eyes are covered with black masked.

"On this unique occasion, we will exclusively see the match with our own eyes, which we have all been waiting to see. Mystery lurks around this team as they rapidly expand throughout the nation as continue to elude us all while winning claimed matches against top soccer schools. Without further ado, let's not wait any longer. Just sit back and relax because the exhibition is about to begin. Keep your eyes wide open or you will regret having two eyes only. It's showtime."

In the blink of an eye, the person vanished in a puff of smoke, and just as the beam turns off as well. After, a piece of loud music follows as it echoes around the stadium, startling everyone.

Again a beam of light flashes at the center of the field where the person in the cloak last seems, though this time it's a soccer ball lying steadily. In the second horn, another beam of light flashes around the ball, revealing eleven teens in white soccer uniforms with eyes closed. "Shizen."

The teen with the yellow band, the captain (Osamu), walks toward the ball as the others start walking around in a circle. He gets the ball off the ground and begins doing little tricks.

The other players fled to the shadows when they heard a loud drumbeat, leaving their captain in charge at the center of the field. The captain's expression abruptly switches from tender to serious, and so do his little antics. Finally, he pulls off an exceptionally difficult ball trick.

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