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What's up Blue lock nerds. Here's another Blue Lock fanfic since I'm still currently obsessing over this stupid goddamn soccer anime with hot men. This is like my 3rd or 4th one and I still have like 2 more drafts in my mind, goddamn 💀.

Anyways, this is like a soulmate au but for the red string so I hope you enjoy. Appearance is purely up to you but if you want an image in mind, then here:

Appearance (Optional): Ijekiel Alpheus (Belongs to Who Made me a Princess)

Appearance (Optional): Ijekiel Alpheus (Belongs to Who Made me a Princess)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(Picture not mine!)


Love Interests:

Mikage Reo - Main

Itoshi Rin

Itoshi Sae

Nagi Seishiro - Main


Heads up, this will only be a quick fanfic that'll probably end up with 15-20 chapters. There's already a clear image of how I want this fanfic to go so I hope you end up enjoying!

(This is the future author, don't believe the statement above. We might end up with more than 20 chapters)

Ps. Updates will be scattered and unsure due to my other fanfics and busy life at school.

(Leave a comment here if you're rereading! :>)

Tie a Knot|| Blue LockKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat