Chapter 11

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[Name] expected a calm and slow weekend considering all that's happened so far during the previous week. He'd been waiting for his well-deserved rest yet it seemed like the world had other plans for him seeing as how first thing in the morning, he'd been dragged around by his mother doing random errands.

They've gone through plenty of different stores, the first half for settling a few bills before grabbing some essential items while the latter part being used for some mother-son quality bonding. They ended up discovering their fair share of underground cafes and just general hangout spots, allowing [Name] to try as many pastries as he wished.

By the end of their expenditure, he was both fairly stuffed and tired. As they walked down the street hand in hand, he expected them to finally head back since it was pretty late in the afternoon, only to realize that they were nowhere near the familiar road near their home.

"Where are we going?" He asked curiously, his eyes blinking up at his mom in confusion as he felt himself wake up slightly at the realization. "Are we not going home yet?"

Fumiko simply gave a quiet giggle as she ruffled [Name]'s hair. "It must've slipped my mind but Hana invited us over to her house. It seems like she had news she wanted to share and celebrate." She informed with a small wink.

"Some news?" [Name] mumbled in surprise as he looked away from his mom thoughtfully. Although he wanted to be in the comforts of his home, he couldn't help but feel a bit intrigued at the thought of being invited over to the Itoshi's house.

This would be his first time over to a friend's house. The thought of that couldn't help but make him feel a bit giddy inside.


[Name] spent the rest of the walk on autopilot and before he knew it, they were already stopping in front of a house. His eyes couldn't help but widen at the massive structure as he began to feel the giddiness build up within him once more.

He watched his mom click the doorbell on the front gate, eliciting a decently loud noise. In an instant, the door to the main house slammed open and he saw Hana rushing out to greet them with an excited smile on her face.

"You're here!" She squealed as she began ushering them inside after unlocking the front gate. One of her arms immediately wrapped around his mom's as they entered the luxurious-looking house.

"Sae! Get down here!" Hana called out as they walked further into the living room. As soon as she called, a familiar redhead began to step out of the room on top of the staircase that led to the second story of the house.

As he walked down, [Name] couldn't help but notice the small tuft of black hair that peeked out from Sae's side. The moment they reached the bottom of the stairs, the small figure that held onto his friend's side suddenly rushed over to where Hana was.

He could faintly hear his mom letting out a surprised yelp as his eyes followed the figure that now clung to the Itoshi lady. Now that he had a clear view, he couldn't help but coo at the cute-looking kid who had his face buried shyly on his mother's side.

"Ah, right, meet my little Rin. He's surprisingly shy when it comes to strangers." Hana laughed fondly as she settled a gentle hand on top of the kid's hair. At hearing his mother speak, Rin looked up, giving [Name] a peek of the trademark lashes the Itoshis held along with a similar teal color that Sae also had.

"Fumiko and I might end up chatting for a while so you kids are free to roam around as you wish." Suddenly, Hana's eyes turned to give Sae a stern look. "Bring your little brother along with you. I trust that you'll keep both [Name] and Rin safe, alright?"

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