Chapter 22

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[Name] stared up blankly at his room's ceiling, unable to fall asleep for the night. Too many thoughts lingered in his mind yet not a single coherent one was present. They were all incomplete thoughts that wouldn't finish themselves.

Whether it was because he was afraid of making sense of them and figuring out his true feelings or because he was simply too tired to piece them together is something he didn't need to figure out tonight.

He tossed and turned within his bed, a ray of moonlight barely passing by his room's curtains, before he eventually sat up and aggressively pulled the covers away from his figure, suddenly wanting to stand up.

He was feeling restless and antsy.

Was it because he had to go back to Hakuho tomorrow? He didn't know.

He made his way over to his window, wanting to get some fresh air. Maybe peering into the full moon might give him some ideas of what the fuck was wrong with him tonight. Nothing could ever go wrong with admiring the night sky anyway.

He pulled back his curtains and opened the windows, allowing the nightly breeze to sweep in and cool down his room. He breathed in the air and visibly felt himself relax. He exhaled all his thoughts away and cleared his mind.

He looked around, observing the familiar view he's gotten used to since childhood. He turned to look down only to see a figure standing right below his window. He momentarily felt himself jump at the sight only to recognize who it was standing below him.

"Rin?!" [Name] gave a whispered yell as he leaned down on his window, trying to get a better view of the teen. "What are you doing here?"

"Why are you still awake?" Rin whispered back in surprise, the hand he was about to throw a rock with coming to a halt the moment he was noticed.

"That doesn't matter right now, why are you under my window?!" [Name] retorted back exasperatedly before squinting to make sense of Rin's figure within the darkness. "Were you about to throw a rock on my window?!"

"Isn't that what people usually do to get someone to come out of their room?"

"What? No. You know what, never mind." [Name] sighed as he did a quick turn to look around his room. "Stay put, I'm coming out there."

He grabbed his phone along with a random jacket from his closet before quietly leaving his room and walking down the stairs. While he knew his mom wouldn't be too strict about him still being awake, he knew she'd at least be disappointed seeing as how he had to leave early for school tomorrow.

He quietly left the house, closing the front door with a quiet click, before setting off to where Rin was waiting beneath his window. He expected the younger teen to listen to his words and stay put only to end up bumping into him halfway instead.

"Didn't I tell you to stay put?" [Name] grumbled as he watched Rin, who was now admittedly taller than him, stare him down. "So why are you here?"

"I couldn't sleep," Rin spoke quietly as he glanced behind him, watching how a random car passed by the road they were in.

"That doesn't give you a reason to come to my house at such a late hour." [Name] began to scold him. "It's dark and who knows what could've happened to you."

"I'm not a child, you don't have to keep treating me like one," Rin grumbled as he shoved his hands inside the pockets of the jacket he also wore.

"That's not what I meant and you know it," [Name] grumbled before grabbing Rin's wrist, trying to pull him in the direction of his house's front door. "Now come on, it's cold. Let's go inside."

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