Chapter 24

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The day after Reo and Nagi had left for the training program named Blue Lock, Hakuho had begun to feel a lot more dull to [Name]. Although he was still constantly surrounded by people and fans, deeming him not lonely, he strangely felt alone.

It felt weird having to get accustomed to a new routine. No more loud heir storming his classroom every break time to drag him away and no more lazy albino to sit beside with on the stairs whenever Reo left. In a school where everything was always so eccentric and extravagant, it all strangely felt quiet.

You'd think he'd hold a bit more care for the school he's been in for years, yet as he roamed around its halls, all alone for the first time since he came here, all he felt was desolation. Maybe it was a sign that his attachment was never for this school in the first place but rather, the people in it.

More specifically, Reo. (And Nagi too, he supposed)

Of course, he still had a fondness for certain people here too like his clubmates in the music club, certain teachers, a few juniors, and some seniors, but nothing could ever quite compare to what he felt for the Mikage heir.

A tight smile graced his lips when a well-known group of popular kids waved his way, a few people fangirling in a not-so-discreet manner. He gave them a wave back out of politeness before moving on, his face contorting to something close to disgust.

He knew a lot of people meant well but he never did take it lightly when people only began to interact with him when his presence actually started to benefit them. It's not like he felt like this for everyone, only to those he knew would never interact with him if it weren't for his popularity.

Hakuho held a silent mantra of 'survival of the fittest' considering how they were all children of the elite (Except for him). Popularity and connections were the main things one would need in order to survive this place, he knew that fact all too well, but that didn't make him like it any better.

The day was still pretty early when he was already stepping out of the school once all classes had been finished. Sure, he could go back to the dorm and rest, but something about the utter silence he'll be in when inside made something churn in his stomach.

God knows how much he loved taking time for himself and doing things in his solitude but there was only so much alone time a person could take before it bordered loneliness. 

A small sigh left his lips before he took a small detour. Although he'd still be in no one's company other than his own, it was far better than being cooped up in the dorms.

He slipped past the lingering students still walking inside the school grounds as he walked along the school building's sides, walking down the familiar path that led to the school's backside. He walked past the gym, walked past the giant field, walked past the running track, and headed straight for the forest side that was usually ignored in the far back.

He walked straight ahead, letting his mind wander, as he enjoyed the rustling of the leaves caused by the wind that passed through the leaves. The shade it brought was mild as a few gaps allowed beams of sunlight through it but that was fine, the sight made for a pretty sight and made [Name] think that with its beauty, it wouldn't be a surprise if any fairies lived within.

As he passed through the final few shrubs, he finally reached his destination. A smile couldn't help but grace his face at the spot that seemed to look like it was frozen in time. Not a thing changed within the area as even most of the rocks stayed in the same place each time he visited.

He admitted that after knowing the importance of this place to Reo, he couldn't help but grow fond of it as well especially since its location was entrusted and shared with him. Unfortunately, he hasn't visited this place in a while, let alone with Reo, but that's why he was here now when he was still able to.

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