Chapter 12

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Although he's never talked about it much, [Name] always had problems when it came to his ambitions, his dreams for the future.

As a child, he had always felt that wanting something for himself, even if it were the smallest things, was selfish. To ask for something he knew he didn't need that much resulted in a pit of guilt churning within him.

This mentality that had grown silently inside him caused his wants to lower themselves accordingly into something manageable, something he knew wouldn't be a burden for those around him. 

If you asked him what he wanted to be, he'd always give a superficial answer.

'I want to be happy with my mom!'

Although it wasn't technically a lie, it was still partly a deflection. Most adults cooed and awed at his innocent answer then but now that he was growing up, [Name] knew that answer wouldn't last forever.

Whenever he overheard people talking about their dreams, he couldn't help but envy them for genuinely wanting to pursue something. He wondered just how they could be so determined to achieve something and also wondered what it would be like to experience that feeling for himself.

For the longest time, [Name] expected this devoid feeling of detachment to follow him forever, that is, until he stepped onto a stage for the first time. He could still feel the nervousness that pricked his skin as he stared back at the sea of eyes that watched him.

He'd never felt so thrilled before.

The cheers that reached his ears, the people that sang along and smiled so happily, it made him feel alive. It made him want to experience this forever and that was when he realized that he wouldn't mind pursuing this if it brought him this same feeling each time.

To be a singer, a performer, was a tough thing to pursue, he knew that. There was no exact guarantee he'd be able to make it big with just wanting it but despite that, his mom supported him full-heartedly.

The night he told his mom he wanted to perform and pursue singing with tears in his eyes, she merely smiled and hugged him, her mouth whispering sweet nothings into his ears.

Ever since that day, his mom supported him at every chance to perform on a stage. Whether it be small local competitions or school ones, it didn't matter, as long as she got to see him happy.

With all the publicity he's been exposing himself to, it didn't take long for someone to take notice of him eventually. Thankfully, Hakuho was an elite school so important people with connections got to see his potential.

He was 14 when he officially got his first offer.

Ever since then, despite only receiving small gigs, he gave it his all. He went to interviews, followed what his manager instructed him to do, and slowly got his name out there.

It was a slow process but as he reached 17, he could finally see his efforts paying off. Right now, he stood in front of a sea of people, all cheering his name, as they sang and jumped along to the song he was currently covering.

The private venue his manager got for him to perform was dimly lit and even though he could barely see every person who paid just to see him, their presence was enough to make him feel emotional.

"Thank you for coming!" He yelled loudly into his microphone as he waved at the crowd before him. In return, he received an equally as loud cheer as they all waved at him, their light sticks glowing even brighter in their hands.

After hours of performing and just vibing with the fans he's acquired, he finally reached his final performance. He kept waving as he walked away to the backstage.

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