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"I swear this is going to be my thirteenth reason." I mumbled as I throw my head back. I'm laying down in my room and Kacchan and Todoroki are sitting on the ground. Todoroki plays with a piece of fuzz on the ground while Katsuki is messing around with my All Might bobble head.

"I always said my dad was gonna be my thirteenth reason but I got to a point where I decided ' hey why does he get to control my life? Fuck him I'm gonna be his thirteenth reason." Todoroki says this in all seriousness I can't help but be a little bit concerned.

"Usually I'm the violent one..." Katsuki mumbles.

I sit up and an audible sigh reaches the other end of my room. "I dont think I can take any more interrogation from the girls and Denki. I might actually die." I rub my hands across my face. "Why is it so surprising that I got a girlfriend while overseas...over...over worlds? Am I really that ugly or something?" I scratch my head and look at my two best friends.

Bakugo and Todoroki shake there heads.

"Nah bro I'm trying my best not to get up an kiss you right now." Todoroki says with a straight face.

"Yeah I salivating." Bakugo says with an even straighter face.

I frown. "Funny but seriously. Why is everyone so shocked and interested. I was never the center of attention like this before."

"No. Not at all." Bakugo states.

"Okay fine, but that was because of some rash decisions. And um...yeah anyways no need to name any off. But you know what I mean."

Todoroki and Bakugo look at each other. I slowly started to see them get along better.

"Well because everyone thought you were boning for Uraraka."


"I'm just being honest, Deku." Katsuki shrugs. "They also thinks it's interesting how you rizzed up a girl from an alternate dimension."

"Sin...sin city wasn-"

"I swear to God if you continue singing I will singlehandedly rip out your vocal cords  with a fork, Icy-Hot." Kacchan growls.

Todoroki smolders and then rolls his eyes. "Who knew you were no fun - oh wait. I did."

Kacchan is surprisingly mature and ignores Todoroki's comment. I start to chuckle a bit but I'm shit a glare from my red eyes bestie.

"What the should realistically be worryinf about is how we're going to deal with the league this time." I state.

I knew no one would disagree with me there.

Todoroki spoke the one thing everyone was thinking.

"We have to go back."

We sit in silence for a moment and I sigh.

"Dammit." I mumbled.

This was going to be a roller coaster of different things and emotions.

Because in the end someone was going to lose something.

Whether we lose to the villains. Or Paris loses citizens. The league loses members.

Or one of us loses our lives.

Physically. Or even metaphorically speaking with the world's we live in.

Someone was going to pay the price for all if this.

And I wasn't sure if I was ready for it to be me...


It has been less than three days since Marinette came into my world. She had been staying with Momo's family since they had the room. So I hadn't seen or talked much to her since we were busy dealing with formulating a plan to take down the league.

Which needed to happen asap.

But what also was brought into discussion was the fact that Marinette needed to be sent home. Her parents were probably worried sick.

And the fact of the matter was she was not supposed to be here in the first place.

She has told Bakugo that the explosion he made to propel him and I into the portal had melted the ice encasing her enough to where she broke free and followed.

Something she did out of impulse and not rational thinking.

So we had that to deal with as well.

And not to mention the anxiety and fear with leaving Toga, Dabi and Stain in Paris. I wondered just how many more people had died so far.

It was an absolutely peachy time.

We figured the best thing we could do was enter back into Marinette's world more prepared.

But while my best friends and I wanted to do that we were afraid to bring up the idea to Nezu, All Might and Aizawa because they were not too happy with the original thought of going back on day one.

I tried to find other ways of solving our problems but I couldn't think of any.

One thing I could think of though is the selfish easire of having Marinette close once again. Even if I wasn't actually close in distance at all times. I was glad it was the same world though.

So that's why it hurt when I realized that eventually when all of this was done and over with we would be done and over with.

Because we wouldn't be able to be in two worlds at once.

No matter what we did they would never fully collide.

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