Is this what falling feels like?

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It was a little awkward being around Marinette for the majority of the rest of the week. I figured it was because of my talk about wanting to fall in love. Maybe she disagreed with my statements?
I bet I sounded so sappy. I internally cringed as I lay in bed and ran over the conversation in my head.
I sounded a total simp.
I feel a buzzing near my head and I see Sass hovering over me.
"Sass?" The little kwami lays on my pillow and puts his nubs under his head like my hands were under mine.
"Do you usually lay down naked?" Sass asked outta no where.
My eyes widen. "Wh-what?! IM NOT NAKED!" I cover my mouth as I realize I said that rather loudly.
Sass shrugs. "But your abs are showing."
"You're naked then. If I can see your sculpted abdomen than your naked."
"Okay...Sass...just because my abdomen is showing does not mean I'm naked. I'm just shirtless because it's comfortable." Sass hmms in response.
"Well you probably shouldn't let Marinette see you shirtless because when she saw Adrien shirtless she squeaked and almost fainted. Although I'm pretty sure your more toned than he is...just saying." I sigh but I can't help the little chuckle that escapes my lips.
"What's up anyways Sass?" I turn to look at the ceiling.
"All the kwamis are placing bets on you and Marinette and Adrien and I found it really annoying because it's gross. And I also feel bad because my old holder used to date Marinette. It feels wrong to...pick sides..."
I close my eyes. "Like bets on what...?"
Sass plays with a thread on my pillowcase. "Bets on who Marinette will end up with..."
I open my eyes and look over at the little kwami. "What?"
"Yeah...Kaaliki heard Marinette tell Alya on the phone that she thinks your cute. But I don't know if you should trust that because Kaaliki likes tea...and you know what I mean...she'll uh...sometimes..." Sass's voice lowers.
"She uh...sometimes brews the tea herself if you know what I mean."
I close my eyes again and pinpoint a pit forming in my stomach. I don't know why it's forming though.
A couple of memories flash through my mind and I see Marinette sniling at me in all of them. And I can't help but smile while thinking of it.
One singular memory of Uraraka pops up.
When she and I first met at school. I remember that feeling that had soared into my entity when I had first met her eyes. Yet for some reason, I couldn't bring that feeling to surface.
It only began to surface when I thought of Marinette. When I thought of those bluebell eyes.
I felt guilty run through my bloodstream. I was starting to build a life in a world that was not my own.
I figured this is what falling was. That it felt like this.
But I couldn't.
I couldn't.
"I can't fall for her." I whispered.
Sass placed his nub on my hand.
"I belong home."
I sit up and hop out of bed.
"I don't belong here." I look out the window and I see the Parisian streets lit up.
"As much as I want to..." I pull on a hoodie and I walk out of my room with Sass in my pocket. I start to make my way to Marinette's room. And I stop when I hear a small commotion. Nothing concerning it just sounded like she was busy.
I knock quietly and Marinette doesn't answer.
I knew it wasn't polite but I was considering opening the door when Sass just floated through.
"Sass!" I whisper shouted. In a minute or two he floats back out and Marinette opens the door.
"Sorry Deku! I was just working on something!" She has her long hair pulled back into a ponytail and I see fabrics all around her room floor.
"It's a mess, I know." She laughs uncomfortably. "I just felt inspired. Anyways come on in!" I climb up into her room and sidestep a pile of sewing needles.
That's probably not smart to leave there.
"So what's up?" She asks as she continues seeing something green.
"Um...I was just...thinking...I really enjoy-"
Marinette looks up at me through her lashes and I feel my heart stop for a minute.
With the soft  playing of music in the background and a small strand of her hair sticking to her eyelashes...
With the slight blush coloring her cheeks and her freckles more noticeable than ever...
The innocence of her face...
My heart hurts for a second looking at her. She then smiled and for a second I saw Uraraka and I snapped out of it.
Guilt was all that plagued me.
I had been here for almost two weeks and I hadn't done anything to try an get home.
"Deku...are you okay?"
"I-I need to go back home Marinette." I blurt out. I see little confusion play in Marinette's eyes and she swallows.
"Oh...yeah I'm so sorry slipped my mind. No-wait that sounds absolutely crappy to say I mean-"
"'s fine. I just...I...need to go home..." I look anywhere but Marinette's eyes.
Because of I was being honest I wouldve been sucked back into this world. To look into those bluebell eyes again would have been my kiss of death.
"Well um...we can...I'll figure something out for tomorr...tomorrow...tomorrow..." She started stuttering and I would still not meet her eyes.
Finally I look over at her. "Thanks..." She nods and I see a little glassiness in her eyes.
I feel guilty again but it was important I made it back home to UA. I didn't know if people had even noticed if I was missing or if the time difference made it seem like it was years that I had been gone.
We stand in silence for a minute and I start to head back to my room. I feel horrible.
But it was what had needed to be done.

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