Chapter Twenty Two - The Tomogotchi Killers

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"Hey pookies," Chiaki said while walking into the main room of the zaza hut. She had her tomogotchi in her hands.

"Chiaki, is that a tomogotchi? Where did you get that?" Maki began to get worried.

"I just found it on our porch, why?" Chiaki asked.

"Throw it away. Now." Maki commanded.

"No! What's wrong with you?" Chiaki fought back.

"It's gonna explode in-"

The Tamagotchi exploded, causing a large bang. Miku ran down the stairs and Ena followed.

"What happened?" Miku asked.

"A- Awe they dead!?" Ena shouted.

"The Tamagotchi exploded and... there's a fire!" Izuru yelled.

The three grabbed Maki and Chiaki's bodies and evacuated the zaza hut. They watched it burn down as they cried.

"Well... Now what?" Miku asked.

Chiaki and Maki woke up after the explosion.

"I guess we should find out who did this..." Chiaki suggested.

The gang went into the somehow-not-affected elevator, but something was wrong. The speaker kept saying that there wasn't any among us potion.

"We don't have the stuff to make it anymore :(" Maki stated.

"Look over there," Chiaki pointed to a stand where a girl wearing a red witch outfit sat. She was selling potions.

"Do you have an among us potion?" Miku asked, politely.

"Why yes, I do... But it will cost you," The human said.

"...How much?" Miku began to get worried.

"Ten thousand doubloons," She explained.

"Okay," Miku smiled, exchanging the doubloons.

The person was rather mad at this compliance, so mad in fact, that she blew up the stand, sending the weed gang into outer space.

"Where exactly... Are we?" Ena questioned.

"It looks like space, but how did we get here?" Maki answered.

"Is that batman?" Chiaki asked.

In the distance, was batman floating through space saying things like, "Joker, I have no air, Joker," and "Joker, I'll die, Joker."

"Shut up, Batman, we need to get the moon cheese," a mischievous and rather devious voice echoed.

While the weed gang stared at batman, they began to get sucked into a planet. The planet in question was the Spongebob Squarepants cinematic universe.

They walked around the ocean when they found a silly restaurant, the Krusty Krab was it's name. They walked inside to see Jake from State Farm working at the counter.

"I'm Jake from State Farm," Jake stated, "What can I help you with?"

"We're stuck on this planet..." Chiaki sighed, "We were blasted into outer space and we saw batman and then..."

"Woah, you don't need to get that personal to get the personal price plan, it just helps you create an affordable price!" Jake reassured.

"We don't want the personal price plan," Maki glared.

"Yes, we just want to figure out how to get out of here," Ena explained.

"Well, with State Farm, you don't have to worry about that anymore."

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