Chapter Five - A Certain Skeleton

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The poly weed trio had just gotten married the day before and were celebrating by eating zaza.

"This zaza is banging" said Chiaki as she consumed more zaza.

"Wait, look into the distance" Maki warned, "There's someone there."

"Omg is that sans?" Asked Chiaki.

"Yes, but not only is he sans, he is... fat sans" Izuru said.

Fat sans aproached the poly weed trio, "e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e" He stated.

"What is he saying?" asked Maki.

"Look at the subtitles, you goose" Chiaki said, angrily.

The subtitles said, "Where is the zaza?"

"The zaza? But we can't just give out zaza, we'll run out!" Maki cried.

"But we have to, fat sans is cool" Chiaki suggested.

"Fat sans is not cool, look at his ugly outfit" Izuru crossed his arms.

Chiaki then decided to uppercut Izuru, because of his unruly opinion.

"That was *not* very nice" said Maki.

"I don't care," Chiaki said, "His opinion sucks ass."

Izuru thought that Chiaki's opinion about his opinion sucked even more ass, so then he punched her in the face. Maki stood and watched as her friends get into a huge battle.

When their fighting was finished, fat sans had already gone away, so he could not answer the weed trio's questions.

"Wait... Fat sans stole my zaza. I have no more zaza!" Maki shouted in disbelief.

"That's why fat sans is not cool..." Said Izuru.

"Stop it! Fat sans is cool, you're just mean" Shouted Chiaki.

Chiaki left to go find the rest of the gang so that she could get away from her zaza-hating husband and wife.

The weed gang had stopped using the elevator, because there was too much among us potion going to waste and it makes it easier for the author to write the story.

Miku greeted Chiaki in the zaza hut. "Hi there, why aren't you with the rest of the trio?" she asked.

"They don't think fat sans is cool. Just because he stole Maki's zaza" Chiaki said, while crying.

"It's okay, I'm sure they'll appreciate fat sans someday" Miku smiled.

"You think so?" asked Chiaki, wiping her tears.

"Of course!" Miku said.

Chiaki left the zaza hut to go confront the poly weed trio. Chiaki immediately passed out from breathing in too much zaza when she got there however.

"What was that?" Maki questioned.

"Zaza overload" Izuru answered.

Meanwhile, back in the zaza hut, where Miku and Ena were chilling, inhaling pure zaza, fat sans appeared.

"Omg" Miku said, surprised.

"Is that fat sans?" Ena asked.

"Where is the zaza (e e e e e e e e e e)" Fat sans asked.

"I don't think we can give fat sans zaza, the gang would be mad" explained Miku.

But then, Miku and Ena were kidnapped by fat sans.

Shortly after, when the poly weed trio was doing better, they went to the zaza hut but found that the gang was MISSING.

"...what do we do?" Chiaki asked.

"I don't know, maybe fat sans did it" Maki suggested.

"Why would you blame fat sans? After all that we went through!?" Chiaki said, stunned.

"But it's the only explanation" Izuru sighed.

Chiaki grabbed her arm, sad, but she decided to let them suspect fat sans.

And so, the poly weed trio went through the whole island to try and find where fat sans took their friends. When they were almost done, there was only one place left to look. Nagito's room.

"Nagito, are you working with fat sans?" asked Maki.

"No, why would someone as hopeful as me work with fat sans?" Nagito said, hopefully.

"Then let us see inside your room" Said Chiaki.

"No, there's too much despair for your hopeful eyes!" Nagito cried.

"Do you want to die?" Maki threatend.

"Ugh... fine" Nagito opened his door to reveal that he was infact working with fat sans.

Inside, fat sans was stealing all of Miku and Ena's zaza.

"Oh no!" Chiaki cried.

Maki decided to pull a dagger out of her pocket and started threatening fat sans, "Let them go and return the zaza... or else."

"How unhopeful! Are you saying you'd rather let us die than let us have some of your marijauna?" Nagito said, dodging the dagger.

"I don't care. That zaza is not yours" Maki threatened.

Nagito and fat sans still refused, meaning things would have to get a bit more violent. Chiaki fell asleep, and the fighting began.

To start it off, Maki lunged towards the rope that was keeping Miku and Ena stuck in place. As she almost was able to cut the rope, fat sans grabbed her shirt and did one of those fight things that the author doesn't really know about because she hasn't played undertale. Luckily, Maki was able to escape the attack, ultimately defeating fat sans.

Now, she had to get past Nagito. Being the ultimate lucky student, he dodged almost every attack. After a bit of fighting, Maki had finally gotten ahold of him. She placed her arm around his neck, causing him to breathe slightly less. "Let them go, or you won't ever get *any* zaza" Maki threatened.

"I'm sorry!" Nagito repeated countless times. "It's just that the farm here ran out of plants, so we needed more."

"You idiot," Maki held him tighter, "Do you not understand how farming works!?"

Chiaki woke up, "...farming? farming simulator?"

Maki suddenly let him go and he fell onto the ground coughing. Now she was able to free the rest of the gang from Nagito's clutches.

Ena hugged her, "You're such a lifesaver, Maki!"

"What the hell!? Get off of me, I only did it because I need the za" Maki said.

"Wait a minute. What's on your shirt?" Ena said, disgusted.

"Is this what that guy puts in his hair? I knew this would be a bad idea" Maki held her hand over her mouth.

Miku jumped up, "Well, shouldn't we celebrate? We do this at the end of every chapter, you know~"

"Of course, but all of the zaza is contaminated with... Sour cream?" Chiaki explained.

"It's fine with me, I like sour cream" Ena smiled.

"But..." Chiaki examined Nagito's hair "It came off of Nagito's... hair."

Miku threw up, "Bleh! What's wrong with his hygiene?"

"That's not sour cream..." Izuru explained, "That's c-"

The end, for now.

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