Chapter Six - The Hauntings of Tsumugi Shirogane

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(Warning: After word 666, things start to get spooky)

It was a peaceful day on Jabberwock Island. Nagito finally decided to wash his hair after everyone found out how nasty it was, but to their surprise, nothing would come out. This was fine, however, because everyone hated Nagito, so they automatically avoided him.

One person who avoided him due to his foul odor, was Gundham Tanaka and his hamsters aswell. Though, there was one problem with Gundham. He didn't appreciate zaza, stating it was never meant to be put on this earth.

" don't like zaza? Not even a little?" Chiaki yawned.

"Why of COURSE I wouldn't go NEAR that BEAST of a PLANT" Gudham yelled.

"My ears hurt already, can we *not* talk to this guy?" Maki suggested.

"I agree, no matter how much I cover my ears I..." Ena cried while stuffing zaza in her ears, "I just can't escape it!!"

"How about let's all be nice and support him, if you don't make fun of him, maybe he'll start liking zaza as much as we do~" Miku smiled.

The group turned around to find that Gundham was already leaving.

"Well, what do we do now? He has to like weed someday" Chiaki said.

"Don't worry, we'll sneak some into his food muehehe" Miku suggested, evilly.

"That idea is... not boring" Izuru said.

So, the group decided to sneak zaza into Gundham's food to make him like it more. Chiaki brung him some cookies, with zaza in them.

"Gundham... I made you some za- I mean- cookies" Chiaki smiled.

"DARING of you to bring COOKIES to TANAKA the FORBIDDEN ONE!" He shouted, and took them.

A few seconds later, he noticed the color of the cookies. "WHAT is wrong with the COLOR of the OFFERING YOU GAVE to MYESELF."

"Uhh... Pistachio, I guess" Chiaki sighed.


The plan had worked and Gudham ate all of the zaza flavored cookies that Chiaki made.

"Did he really just eat them all...? That should have been a lot harder" Maki said, almost relieved.

"Oh no" Miku was shocked.

"What?" Asked Chiaki.

"He's giving the crumbs to his hamsters" Miku put her hand over her mouth, with disbelief.

"That's a problem..." Chiaki said.

Now, Gundham had high hamsters and he didn't know. The weed gang decided to brush it off, because it'd be fine. Though, a few seconds later, Gundham came back with a question.

"Just WHAT have YOU DONE to CHAM-P, MAGA-Z, SAN-D, J-"

"Alright, we get it. Actually that was you who did that, not me" Chiaki said, annoyed.

"Yeah, why would you even feed your hamsters cookies anyway?" Miku asked.

"...Aren't they supposed to be sleeping" Maki crossed her arms.

Gundham walked away, defeated.

Now Gudham had a really bad memory associated with weed, but the gang knew that if Gudham had expeirenced zaza, he would like zaza. The group decided to give him a bowl of zaza with nail clippers to use as something to eat it with.

"A peace offering... Or whatever... I guess" Maki said, holding a candy wrapper with a script on it. "Now give him the..." Maki gave the bowl of pure zaza and nail clippers to Gundham.

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