Chapter Seven - A New Face

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This is a partly a collab chapter with Azriel_Featherheart23's Someone Came story on Ao3

Here's the link, so read that real quick and then continue with this story! (There's only three short chapters so it shouldn't take long)


After the weed gang had forced the among us potion down Azura's throat, giving Jim a chance to escape, the elevator doors shut and they went to Jabberwock Island, where most of this story takes place.

The taste of the among us potion caused Azura to throw up all over her purple sweater.

"Why do so many people throw up in this story?" Maki questioned.

"What's going on? Where am I?" Azura asked as her heels turned pink, hinting that they are red because they are also covered in blood. She looked at them, blankly.

Miku stared at her, "Are your heels... bloody?"

"I live in Ohio, so I have to protect myself somehow" Azura stated. (Pun intended)

"...What's Ohio?" Chiaki asked, because the author realized that nobody in the weed gang lives in America.

"You don't know what Ohio is?" Azura asked.

"Well, everyone here is Japanese" Maki explained.

Ena started to say "I'm from Per-" but was cut off when Asura responded, "Ohio is hell, every weird, monstrous thing is normal, attempted murder is just a normal Sunday night there, if there aren't any bad things In a day, it's a victory, imagine living in constant fear that it's going to be your last day on earth."

"Oh..." Chiaki said, surprised and scared, "So like Monster Slayer? That's a pretty good game..."

Everyone in the whole world sighed and suddenly it smelled like breath.

"See? That's normal in Ohio" Asura explained.

"Well, It's normal here too," Izuru explained, "It'd be extremely boring if things like that didn't happen."

"Wait, that's just because you have copious amounts of zaza in you" Chiaki pointed out.

"Oh, I forgot" Izuru sighed.

Azura couldn't take the weirdness of the situation and left, as she left, she said "Well if we meet again, there's a 50/50 chance that I will come again"

The gang watched her leave through the elever.

"That was boring" Izuru said, crossing his arms.

"What if we went to a different place? Maybe without kidnapping anybody?" Ena suggested.

Omori appeared, pressed a number that not even he, the elevator operator, knew where it lead to.

This place was floor 0. The backrooms.

"The backrooms!? Why is this here?" Chiaki shouted herself awake.

"Well the elevator can lead to any dimension, but..." Maki explained.

"The backwooms *isn't* a dimension ow a pwace" Ena cried.

Izuru turned around to find that the elevator disappeared. The gang was stuck.

Miku warned, "Don't go anywhere without us."

Chiaki ate some zaza and then wiped the sleep out of her eyes. She stated, "I played a game like this once."

"Reawy? Does that mean you can get us out of hewe?" Ena asked.

"No, it was just a game" Chiaki said.

Suddenly, the gang heard noise inside of the vents. Nagito fell out. He shouted, "Why does this always happen?"

"Nagito, how did you get here?" Maki asked, unammused.

"This isn't actually the backrooms, come into the vents and you'll find out."

The gang decided to do what Nagito said and go into the vents. Though something was off, it was actually the Among Us spaceship. Chiaki asked, "Why are we inside of Among Us?"

Then, their answers were solved when they heard a familiar giggle come from a table. Junko!

"Puhuhu~ I brought you here to watch you fight and suspect each other. Junko smirked while putting layers and layers of lip-gloss on, "I even boarded up that damn elevator of yours because it's soo boring when you can just escape like that!"

"B- But" Ena frowned, then cried, "You can't do that!" Her colors seemed to merge into a light gray as she started crying very loudly.

"You can't just steal a format of a game that you don't own... That's copyright infringement" Chiaki said, angrily.

"Well if that's what copyright infringement is like to you, then the author based this whole story off of copyright. She didn't even come up with the weed gang. She just added characters to the weed trio- But that's not the point" Junko sighed.

"Then what *is* the point?" Maki glared.

"You know how Among Us works. Now play it. In real life, with real weapons" Junko started, "Three, two, ONE!"

"But we're not ready!" Miku shouted.

"Well, you know what to do" Nagito stated, "Everyone close your eyes and grab a straw, whoever get's the straws I cut, they're the impostor."

Ena calmed down, "Well, what if none of them aren't cut?"

"I see, you catch on quick, I was hoping you wouldn't bring that up" Nagito sighed.

"I thought you were the ultimate lucky student" Maki stated.

"Wait a second, he's lying, I can tell" Miku said.

"What? How would you know?" Chiaki asked.

"The tone in his voice, it's different than when you would normally find out his plans" Miku said, drawing a straw from the bunch, "See? It's not cut."

"You're so smart, Miku!" Ena smiled, holding her hands up against her cheek.

"Let's just get this over with, there is a loop hole in Junko's game" Izuru explained, "If someone is the impostor, that would give them two options; let everyone live, or let someone die"

"That would mean that if somebody gets to be the impostor, they can just wait until everyone finishes their tasks" Chiaki said.

"Could you all just just up and play the goddamn game! You're wasting my precious time here!" Junko yelled, and the game began.

Everyone drew a straw and moved on.

They survived the gang because the imposter was Chiaki and she fell asleep. The celebrated by inhaling zaza.

The end :)

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