Chapter Three - The Zaza Killings

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When the zaza ban was lifted, everyone could freely have zaza.

Maki suggested, "If we bring the zaza back the Ena, maybe she will come back to life."

Chiaki agreed, "That's a good idea."

So, the weed gang ventured to try out their plan. The went into the elevator, but from the vents, they heard Nagito's voice.

"Is Nagito in the vents again?" Maki pondered.

"He must have heard about the zaza ban being lifted. That's why he's in the elevator vents." Izuru sighed.

But then, they realized that it was not Nagito who was in the vents, it was the IMPOSTER from AMONG US. He came out of the vents holding a poorly drawn knife.

"Oh no, what do we do?" Miku cried.

"Maybe we should offer him zaza, so he'll go away" Maki suggested.

Then, Maki took out some weed from her pocket and gave it to the imposter from among us. The imposter from among us then ran away from the Weed Gang.

Then, there was fighting sounds going on in the elevator.

"It sounds like people are fighting in the elevator vents." Said Chiaki with no bitches, no life, and no friends with her know-it-all mouth.

Miku with her lame pigtails and boring face looked into the vents to prove Chiaki's stupid opinion because she's so nosy. "It looks like the Imposter from Among Us and Omori are fighting over Maki's zaza." Miku said with her annoying, goofy, gross voice.

"Let's just leave them alone. Ena's going to die from no zaza forever we don't hurry." Izuru suggested.

They went to floor three and ran over to Ena's body. They put a stick of zaza in her mouth and she gasped.

"I... need... zaza..." She whispered.

"You have zaza" Miku pointed out.

"Yippee! Waaa!" Ena jumped up with a smile.

Now nobody was suffering from lack of zaza.

"Wait, we can't be relieved just yet. There's still some people on my floor that need zaza." Maki said.

Then, they went to floor fifty three to search for the people missing zaza. They found Rantaro on the floor hardly breathing.

"Do you need zaza?" Asked Miku.

"You idiot, of course he needs zaza. Why else would he be on the floor like that?" Maki was annoyed.

Chiaki noticed the neon pink blood surrounding him. "I don't think that's what happens when you don't have zaza..." Chiaki warned.

"Right. It seems like someone stabbed him, but the killing games are over" Maki wondered what had happened.

The weed gang ventured through the hallways to find anyone who could have noticed this, but then...

They went into the cafeteria and found more people laying in puddles of blood.

Ena puts her hand over her mouth, "What happened, is everyone-"

A gasp echoed as someone got up from their laying position. It was Himiko.

"Are you okay!?" Chiaki shouted.

"Nyeh... my magic kept me alive but... someone's going around killing people."

"Who?" Maki questioned.

"Kokichi. He said he needs the zaza..." Himiko paused, "Or something like that..."

"That brat! He could have just smoked the zaza plants in the garden" Maki said with a stern look.

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