Chapter 4 - Wonderful, but nonfunctional

Start from the beginning

"Play... nice." Sapnap repeated, leaning down to give her a quick kiss. It seemed to be enough to tide her over. She leaned further into his side, resuming her focus on her phone.

Sapnap looked up just in time to catch Dream looking over his shoulder, a less than pleased look on his face from witnessing their affection. Sapnap rolled his eyes, going back gazing out the window.

The January slush had all dried up, but everything was still brown and dead. The trees had yet to bloom new leaves and the grass looked more like hay. Sapnap couldn't wait to be in Mexico, to step out into gloriously hot and humid air.

Much to Dream's relief (and everyone else's, since it meant Dream stopped projecting his anxiety), they made it to their gate with time to spare. Sapnap was sitting by Quackity and George, trying to download as many of his Spotify playlists as he could before they were called to board.

"Thank god Dream didn't ride with Punz, I guess." George laughed, nudging Sapnap to look at Dream. He had his ticket out, his carry on by his side, and was standing in a one man line by the gate.

"They still have forty-five minutes before we board. They'll make it." Sapnap laughed, snapping a couple photos of Dream to send in the group chat.

"He's gonna bite Karl's head off if they don't make it. The next flight doesn't take off until after ten, I think. They'd be stuck here for hours if they missed this one." Quackity laughed, responding to Sapnap's message with the same photo of Dream, with the addition of some hand drawn pieces of art- art being penis doodles and hearts.

"Yeah, that'd s- wait. What do you mean he'd bite off Karl's head? Karl isn't coming." Sapnap's laughter fell flat.

"George, you said you were gonna let everyone know!" Quackity huffed, looking around Sapnap.

"I didn't say I'd do shit." George leaned forward defensively, letting out a scoff.

"Yes you did! You said-"

"Let everyone know what?" Sapnap interrupted, extending both his arms to push them each back into their own seats.

"George said he would let everyone know that Foolish had to bail and Karl was taking his place. He's failing one of his history classes and said his parents kinda flipped when he said he was going away for spring break. So, yeah, Karl's coming instead." Quackity answered, adjusting his beanie.

Sapnap held his tongue, lowering his arms to his sides. There was a pit growing in his stomach, one that he hadn't felt in a few months. A pit that expanded further the second he spotted Cleo walking back from the bathroom.

"Why are you acting like it matters? It's just Karl. I don't get why you're so weird around him- he's always nice to you." George added on after seeing the tense look on Sapnap's face.

"Yeah, what's wrong with your face? You look constipated." Quackity chimed in with a laugh, just as Cleo approached.

"Ah, poop jokes. Real classy, Alexis." Cleo muttered, crossing her arms and standing in front of Sapnap.

All that patience, all that understanding, was starting to wear pretty thin. It took all of Sapnap's strength to not snap at her. Thankfully, he didn't get the chance to if he wanted.

"Yeah, poop jokes are pretty shitty." Quackity responded with a mischievous grin.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes, leaning down to sift through her carry on.

"Whatever yourself, Cleopatra." Quackity scoffed under his breath, but Sapnap knew that if he heard it, Cleo must've as well. He looked up just as she was gritting her teeth, clutching tightly onto the hairbrush she pulled out.

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