Chapter 8 - Part 1

Start from the beginning

Turning to the closest staff, I quietly ask him, "Is there anything that I can take in with me?"

With a surprised look in my direction, he shakes his.

"Thank you," I respond. Turning toward the door, I start following other staff to it, with him right behind me, trying to integrate myself amongst them. I see three of the female staffers from the morning meeting standing near the door starting to whisper when they see me coming. Squaring my shoulders again, I choose to ignore them as I walk by, but can still hear the conversation said behind their hands.

"See? I told you it wouldn't last; he already left her behind!"

"Glad he's already figured out that she's only here to get something from him... What do you think?"

"Who knows and who cares? But I'm glad he left her behind. She's not good enough for him!"

"I agree! Maybe she'll leave him alone now and stop bothering him."

"I mean, look at her? Who does she think she is? And dressed like...that?"

"What a bimbo. Although I kind of like the outfit..."

Leaving them behind as I pass through the door, I take a deep breath in, count to five, then slowly exhale it as I walk down the hall with the others. I can still hear the whispers behind me, but they aren't loud enough to be understood, which I'm grateful for.

The staffer from our vehicle following me in speaks. "Ignore them. They aren't worth it. Thank you for protecting the members with your decision."

Without looking back, I respond as those ahead of us start turning the corner to the left.

"I understand the pressure they're under to maintain a certain image. Trust me, I will never jeopardize nor put any of them in harm's way if I have a choice."

He doesn't say anything further but I see him nod in my peripheral vision as I turn the corner.

We walk down several more hallways in silence until we enter into the large area backstage, where I see groups spreading out to go in the directions assigned to them. I stop and move to the side out of the way, not knowing where to go. At least this time I don't feel panic at that. I know one of the members will find me eventually or let someone know where I should be. Until then, I just want to stay out of the way.

The female staff members that were behind me snicker with malice seeing me all by myself, one even shoulder checking me as she walks by.

All three of them laugh when I stumble from it, bumping into someone. The person turns around and quickly grabs me by the arm to steady me, and I look up to see a face I didn't expect.

I step back in shock, deeply bowing several times to him.

He smiles over at me as I straighten back up.

"Hello. I don't think we've met, have we?" he asks.

"No sir, we haven't. But I do know who you are, sir."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, sir, Mr. Bang, sir." I bow once more in respect. He chuckles.

"I feel you now have the upper hand as you know my name, but I don't know yours."

"My apologies, sir. My name is Cho NaeYeong."

"Did the company hire you recently? You seem a little lost."

"No, sir. I'm here as a guest, but I'm just trying to stay out of the way."

"Oh? And who invited you, Ms. Cho? Perhaps we can find where you need to be."

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