Chapter 73 || Recognition

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No one talked about what happened for a week

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

No one talked about what happened for a week. Ruthira told Rudra that he shouldn't tell about it to their parents. He agreed as well since that would just cause extra panic among them.

However, the following week the news spreaded to their ears through the gossip people of their building. Since then, they have been over protective of the four of them. Infact, each day they used to call.

Ruthira: Yes Amma, the packing is almost done.

Brinda: Okay, take care. I'll call you tomorrow.

Ruthira: Okay, bye.

Ending the call, Ruthira slumped on the bed. "What did Amma say", Rudra asked, burping Eashev on his shoulder. "The usual. She also asked if we were done packing for tomorrow". "Oh".

Passing Eashev to her, he went to the toilet for a shower. Turning the shower on, he held the wall infront of him. Within seconds, he sucked his lips in, trying to control his tears. But he couldn't help it as the water works poured out.

The image was still clear in his mind. The feeling of losing your love was terrifying. But seeing it right infront of your eyes was another level of pain. His stomach dropped when Ivaan pressed the knife against her throat.

For a moment he knew that if Ivaan had slit her throat, he would do the same to himself. When he pulled her to his chest, he had no time to care about his fear. He was numb. But he also had to console her. Crying and showing his pain wouldn't have made her felt any better.

For a week, he wasn't sure how to let out the feeling. Only a couple of days back he was able to start crying. However even then, each second fear gripped his heart that something might happen to her.

He even changed their manual house lock to a digital one that required a passcode and thumbprint. It will also send Rudra and Ruthira a notification whenever the door is unlocked or locked.

The toilet door opened, with Ruthira walking in. She tightly held him from the back. "Do you want to talk about it"? He shook his head, holding her hand that rested on his chest. "Okay". A couple of minutes went by in silence until he pulled her infront.

He held her cheeks with affection, "will you quit your job"? Ruthira's lips parted as she shifted her eyes elsewhere not knowing what to say.

"I know I have no rights but I still see it. I still see the way he had you in a tight grip. I could have lose you. All these because of that damn job! It's not the first time, bachaa. I can't keep seeing you go through the same shit again and again, I'm tired".

"Let's talk about this some other time. Hmmm"? Ruthira gave him a lip tightened smile and went out. He held her hand, "let's finish it now". She nodded, "I can't, Rudra. This job is my life". "Nidra, Eashev and I are not"?

"Don't compare, please! I need all of you but I need my job as well". Wrapping the towel around him, he smiled, "we need you too. And that's why I'm asking you to not want this job".

𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐟𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 ✓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum