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TW: non consensual uses of heroin (I'm so sorry y'all)


3 weeks after the incident

Yun walked nervously down the light wood hallway. His fellow members looked concerned but none attempted to ask about his personal wellbeing. Others dawned looks of shock and disbelief at the sight of him, Yun bravely tried to meet their gaze. The ones with common sense, in Yun's opinion anyway, looked away. While older and stronger members met Yuns gaze with theirs, the judgment behind their eyes seemed to burn into his very soul. Yun eventually looked away and simply focused on getting to his destination.

But he couldn't help but feel frustrated. All the staring was starting to piss him off. He finally reached the door of the lounge, and without hesitation, he pushed his way through the door.

There was an air of tension and anticipation that filled the room as he entered, as everyone sat in silence, looking towards Yun for his next move.

Yuns vision slowly focused on the white snakehead sheet hanging over the doorway in the center of the room. He took a deep breath to ready his nerves as he approached, trying to hide his feelings and putting on a stone-cold face. He couldn't afford to look weak, especially considering the circumstances.

A large muscular man nodded towards him signaling he could enter. Then suddenly a voice called from the other side.

"Come in, Yun." A raspy intimidating voice called from the shaded room. Yun closed his eyes, preparing for the conversation he was going to have with his boss. He walked in to see the man with gray hair and a deep scar on his left eye. So deep that it caused him to be partially blind. Yun stood tall waiting for the other to speak.

"So I give you hope, a place to live where you can be yourself and feel loved by others, a place where everyone is so loyal it terrified the outsiders. Then you decide to embarrass me and let some dumbasses hurt you and your family?" He says sitting up and staring into his soul.

"They jumped us" Yun defended calmly making the other scoff, "you say that like you've learned nothing from me! I have over 10 ways on how you can overpower the enemy even when there are multiple." He says pointing at him with a sharp glare.

Yun took a breath, "I'm sorry I know I made a mistake" he tried before the boss raises his hand, "We make no mistakes, have you gone weak? Where they your friends? When you're in this family you can't make mistakes, embarrass us or betray us!" He shouts.

The boss was in disbelief at Yun he was one of his most loyal and loved members, then he dares to embarrass them. Letting a bunch of kids humiliates him and his team.

Yun inhales a shaky breath before falling to his knees, "Please I'm sorry. I think I know who it was! Please let me redeem myself" he says wailing his hands pathetically. But he just looked down at the boy with shame.

"Do you think or do you know?" He sternly asked Yun shot up, "I know. I'll fix this, I promise!" He exclaimed. The boss raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"So who did it?" He asked


Minho wanted to meet some old friends to see how they were doing. When they opened to door they squinted at him in confusion, "Who are you?" The man said. Minho smiled softly, "it's Minho remember?" He asked. The guy stared at him for a second before he gasp clapping his hands, "Oh shit yeah I remember you" he smiled opening the door wider to let him in.

Minho walked in to see 3 familiar faces on the couch. Chita, Koda, Kai, and the boy who opened the door, Min. Minho felt awkward from not seeing them for so long. he was patiently waiting for some social cue to tell him what his next move should be.

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