15 2 0

2 weeks after the incident

Yun watched as the 7 unknown guys ran out of the house, his head was pounding and his face was swollen, he groaned getting up, the pain unbearable. His thoughts scattered everywhere about who these guys could be.

The torch gun? The burning of my flag? What did I do to make them that mad at me?

His mind spiraled as he remember everything that went down, they had to say something or do something and slip up, Yun thought biting his thumb, they looked so familiar, especially the M guy, but who-

Yun's eyes widened in realization, Yun put on a wide smile holding his hand out, "Hi I'm Yun" He said. Minho was hesitant but shook his hand anyways, "Minho" he replied, "I know, does your dad know you steal money from him?"

Minho scoffed, "You'd think I'd be alive if he did?" He said half-jokingly

"That mother fucker," Yun scoffs to himself, his head shot back to the phone ringing, 'the white snake' it read Yun stared at it his nerves going off the roof his breath shaky.


Seungmin and Hyunjin laid on the couch of Hyunjins apartment watching TV, Seungmins' arm around Hyunjin. Though Hyunjin was into the show laughing at the jokes they made, Seungmin was deep in thought about the events that happened a few days ago. He didn't know if he was able to say anything. He didn't want to throw Minho under the bus but he was curious about his situation.

So many questions roamed through Seungmins head, Why would he walk in an INJURED leg just to go to my house when the hospital is 3 minutes away from him? Why didn't he want to go home? Why did he choose Jisungs house, isn't Changbins closer? Is he safe at home?

"Hey," Hyunjin called out laying his hand on his stomach, snapping Seungmin out of his thoughts. "Hm?" He replied, "Are you ok?" Hyunjin asks lightly

"Yeah just thinking," he says, Hyunjin rests his head on Seungmins chest, "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked

What if Minho doesn't want me to say anything and if I do he'll be upset with me?

Seungmin shook his head, "No I'm ok" he says eyes wandering still in his thoughts

I'll try to talk to him

Hyunjin frowned at his lover, "Are you sure? If you don't want to talk about it we can go get ice cream!" he suggested with a smile

Seungmin smiled at the idea, "We can but I swear I'm ok" Hyunjin nodded, holding Seungmins hand getting up and dragging the other with him. Hyunjin quickly put on his shoes, Seungmin doing the same giving Hyunjin loving glances. Seungmin found it adorable how excited Hyunjin was. I wonder if he's excited to help me feel better or the ice cream?


Hyunjin opened the door for Seungmin with a cheeky smile making Seungmins resting face turn into a small grin.

"Hello welcome to Scooper Gelato! My name is Beomhan. How can I help you guys today?" He asked with a wide smile, Hyunjin started first, "I'll get a vanilla and mint in a bowl please!" He smiled, Beom nodded, writing it down, then looked at Seungmin for his order.

"Just coconut please," Seungmin said lowly, Beom nodded and gestured to them to sit down, they sat down and Seungmin rested his head on the table, Hyunjin frowned, petting his head and messing with his hair playfully.

Beom came to their table with the cups and gently set them down on their table praying he wouldn't be clumsy and drop them, "There you guys go I hope you enjoy!" he smiles tripping on his way back.

They both bowed saying thank you and enjoyed their desserts. Hyunjin kept glancing at Seungmin trying to read his face to get an idea of what was on his mind.

"Do you want to talk about it now?" Hyunjin asked softly hoping the other wouldn't take it as a forceful request.

Seungmin shook his head no then took a scoop of his ice cream. Hyunjin frowned but respected his choice, I can't force him to say it...

They sat in silence eating their ice cream. Seungmin felt guilty, Hyunjin did this to try and make me feel better and I just shrugged him off and now I'm not even talking? Seungmin scoffs to himself.

"It's not that I don't want to it's that I can't tell you yet I need Someone's permission first to say it" Seungmin explained. Hyunjin gave a smile, "It's ok I understand"

They finished their treat and walked off together hand in lock with each other.


On the way back to their house they stopped by a little store, Seungmin wanted to get some snacks for Chan knowing how overworked he was, and Seungmin was too busy to seriously check on him.

As he was looking through all the snacks Hyunjin waited for him on the side of the store. Suddenly someone pinned Hyunjin into the wall harshly. Hyunjin's eyes widened confused about what was happening.

He took a look at the guy stunned and fear shot throughout his body seeing the familiar face.

"Jae-Hwa, catch!" Yun ordered as he threw his phone at the other boy. He caught it with ease as Yun pulled out his knife from his pocket. It was all black with a white snake emblem carved onto the blade.

Hyunjin's eyes filled with tears not wanting to feel those traumatic even once again, "How was it?" Jae asked taking out his knife and holding it to hyunjins neck.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about!" Hyunjin said confused about what the guy was asking, "Oh please~ some guys came into our house and burnt our flag down, we pinned it down now WHO WAS IT" he screamed in Hyunjin s face applying slight pressure to the knife on the other's neck.

Hyunjins eyes widen in the realization I knew Changbin would do something about it but burning the flag god damn-

"I seriously don't know!" Hyunjin cries as he felt the knife piercing his skin. Jae broke into a wide smile, "I knew it." He laughs hysterically.

Then Jae felt a hand grab him.


Hyunjin looked to see Seungmin pepper-spraying him. Jae let out screams of pure agony. Rubbing his eyes trying to clear his vision but in doing that making the pain increase.

Seungmin grabbed Hyunjins hand and ran as fast as they could. Once they were out of breath they kept looking behind their shoulders praying the guy or other guys were following them.

Once they were cleared Seungmin brought Hyunjin into a big hug, "Are you ok? Was I too late?" He asked frantically then checking for any cuts or bruises.

Hyunjin smiled, bringing the other into a sweet kiss, "You're amazing thank you!" He sighs pulling Seungmin into a soft hug.

They walked home Seungmin clenching the pepper spray on guard for the rest of the walk.


Seungmin ate 🤪🤭 I'm back fr now!

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