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5 years earlier

"Minho! Get your ass up now!!" His father screamed at the top of his lungs. Minho groaned, rolling over and covering his ears, trying to ignore him. But his father could not easily be ignored.

He stomped up to him and suddenly yanked the covers off of him.

"Hey!" Minho shouted tired and pissed off,

He then grabbed Minho by his leg and dragged him off the bed, Minho flinched in pain trying to get out of his father's grip, but it was no use.

He dragged him to the middle of the room, "I told you to get the fuck up! You have school today and I don't want your ass lazing around this house" He shouted in his face

Ironic coming from a deadbeat, Minho thought scornfully

"Stop fucking yelling!!! It's 7 am get off my dick!!" Minho screamed back, his dad's face growing red in anger.

"You piece of shit!" He yelled, "You should be lucky you're even going to school and I haven't sent you off to some boot camp by now you ungrateful prick! Now get ready!" His father demanded

Quit acting like you fucking care about my education, most of the time you aren't even up and I have to take myself.

"Jesus, I'm going!" Minho finally relented as he got up from the floor and tried to walk past him on his way to the bathroom. "Now go back to drinking your daily beers"  Minho scoffed under his breath. Unfortunately, his father heard him.

Suddenly he was gripped by the arm. Minho could feel the pressure of his father's grip increasing and knew that he wouldn't let go anytime soon, he winced in pain. Minho's eyes met his fathers' cold gaze, and he felt a shiver run down his spine. He'd seen that look plenty of times before.

"Listen, I don't care who the fuck you think you are" he growled, "But I am your father, and in this house, you'll respect me, got it?"

Minho gritted his teeth, feeling a mix of anger and fear. He knew his father could be unpredictable, especially when he was drunk. He wanted to say something, but he didn't want the bastard to get violent again. He tried to pull away at first, but it only made his father increase the pressure on his arm until it felt like he was trying to rip the thing clean off.

"I got it," Minho said through clenched teeth, "Now can you let go of me?"

His father released his grip and pushed Minho away, the tension was thick in the air as the two stared each other down for a second. Minho could feel the weight of his fathers' disapproval in his gaze and knew he was on thin ice.

Deciding not to make this morning any worse than it already was, Minho quickly walked passed him, feeling the urge to exit this toxic environment as quickly as possible.

As he walked away, Minho could hear his father muttering under his breath, something about him being an ungrateful spoiled asshole. He'd have to deal with more bullshit from his dad later, but for now, he just wanted to get away.

Minho took a deep breath as he closed the bathroom door and locked it. He leaned against the door and closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down.

How could he pull the father card when he acts like a stranger? He doesn't know who the fuck I am half of the time I'm around, I don't care, the feeling is mutual.

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