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Soft rays of evening sunlight shone beautifully onto the Kingdom of Fernsworth. The citizens began to settle in their homes for dinner with their families or finish the last of the day's chores in the citadel. It had been a beautiful day. Only small, puffy clouds littered the blue sky that warm day, becoming dusted in light pink as the sun slowly sank towards the horizon.

"Adelina, darling, you have to eat your vegetables." A kind-looking woman spoke from within the castle of the citadel. She wore an extravagant gown, with a golden crown atop her head.

"I don't want to." Replied the small girl the beautiful woman had spoken to.

The pair shared an uncanny resemblance. Beautiful doe eyes, light brunette locks—although, the small girl's held an elegant curl, just like her father's—expensive dresses, pale skin. The list could go on. The pair were, most obviously, mother and daughter.

"But you promised Linnaea you would," The mother pushed—sending a small smile to the maid folding clothing behind the pair—her tone light and carefree, a twinge of humour laced between her words. "You cannot break a promise."

Mulling over her mother's words, Adelina finally—dramatically—sighed, accepting that she could not break her promise. Even if that meant eating disgusting vegetables.

"Fine, but only because I promised," The small Adelina grumbled, stabbing her vegetables with her fork, and taking a bite. With her mouth full, she grouse. "I still don't like them."

Her mother smiled adoringly at her, taking bites of her own 'disgusting' vegetables.

A light knock sounded on the extravagant door of the room, as a tall, regal man entered wearing a knight's cape and a matching golden crown atop his head of curls, identical to Adelina's. It was her father, King Alden.

The man's mouth curled into a smile upon seeing his wife and child. "How are my favourite girls doing?" King Alden asked, walking towards the seated pair.

"Well, dear." Adelina's mother—Queen Florence—replied with a smile, "Adelina here was just finishing eating her vegetables." To which Adelina replied with a small groan.

As Alden was about to open his mouth in reply, a serving boy burst through the doors of the room. His face was flushed as he heaved for air. "Forgive me, your majesties, but I have just received word that she is headed to Fernsworth."

The King's face paled. Ignoring the questions from his young child, he turned to his wife and the maid, who had stopped folding. "Linnaea," Alden addressed the maid, his tone firm but shaking, "Take Adelina. Take the horses in the stable. You must take Adelina's box and head to the outskirts of the Kingdom. Do not make yourselves known until she is dead. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sire," Linnaea answered.

Adelina turned to her father, confusion and fear swam in her young eyes. "What's happening Father? Is everything okay?"

"Everything will be fine, my dear," The man comforted her daughter. "A nasty woman is coming to visit us, so you mustn't stay. You will go with Linnaea, she will keep you company."

"What about you and Mother?" The girl asked, her eyes darting to her mother, standing behind King Alden.

The man smiled softly, glancing at his wife. Instead of answering his child, he hugged her.  "I love you, Adelina. Remember you can always find a friend in Camelot." He whispered in his daughter's ear. Stepping away to allow his wife to hug Adelina, he turned to Linnaea, who had returned with a sack of supplies. "Go." That was all he said.

Linnaea took the small hand of Adelina's into her own, hurrying through the halls of the castle. She tried not to let her face show her worry of her, the woman that the serving boy said was inbound. Despite only being ten, Adelina was perceptive enough to know not everything was okay, regardless of Linnaea's acting abilities. She knew her father wouldn't send her away unless trouble was coming. Unless it wasn't safe for her to stay in the castle. Not because a 'nasty' woman was making a surprise visit.

With a lump in her throat, Adelina lead her horse alongside Linnaea silently out of the citadel, not sure when she would arrive. Adelina was still unsure exactly who 'she' was. But if her mention was enough to frighten her father, a man she had grown up to believe to be fearless, then she too had reason enough to be afraid.

Mounting her horse, Adelina followed Linnaea into the darkening terrain, as the sun had almost tipped below the horizon. As the pair had passed around an expanse of forest behind the castle, they began to gallop to the outskirts of Fernsworth. Adelina was incredibly thankful to her father for her riding lessons.

As the day morphed into night, and horses galloped, Adelina, had, unknowingly, solidified her place as Queen of Fernsworth when she was of age. And, as an orphaned princess. 


w.c: 832


hi! so i couldn't find anymore arthur fics that scratched that itch so here i am trying my hand at fanfiction once again

i'm really experimenting with writing styles here so it's like half my usual stuff (not that you guys have seen my usual stuff for a while..), half me experimenting so i'd love some feedback if you can offer any!! thank you <3

three notices before you continue:

1. this won't contain any smut, sorry to anyone who wants to read it but i'm just uncomfortable writing it (there might be some sexual references tho)

2. and this story is sort of plunked in a random place after the events of season one, at this stage i do not plan on following the story line of the tv show—i will make my own. i will also (probably) include gwaine and lancelot as knights.

3. i have NO update schedule. i am also in my senior year of high school. so i will absolutely not be consistent, and there is a high likelihood that this fic will not be updated for months at a time. sorry in advance lol

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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