Chapter 18 - Home

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"Home is where our story begins... Our childhood home, the place where we first learned how to love and be loved, is the foundation upon which our lives are built." - Unknown

As the car moved forward, Nora's thoughts drifted to the past. Her hometown brought back so many memories.

She remembered playing with her brother in the fields near their house, picking wildflowers, and chasing each other until they collapsed from exhaustion.

But her memories were also bittersweet, as they reminded her of her father's absence.

The car ride was quiet for the most part, except for the soft hum of the engine and the occasional sound of Lily's light snoring.

Nora was lost in her thoughts until they arrived in their hometown. As they drove through the familiar streets, Nora couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. She saw her old school, her moms's favorite café, and the park where she and her brother used to play.

She drove to Mrs. Smith's house and woke up Lily. She helped Lily carry her suitcases in and quickly greeted Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith.

After saying goodbye to the Smith's, Nora got in her car and drove to her childhood home.

Nora's heart swelled with emotion. It was a modest house, but it held a lot of memories. She got out of the car, stretched her legs, and took a deep breath.

The air smelled fresh and crisp, and the sound of birds chirping filled the air.

Nora went inside the house, and Nora was instantly transported back in time. The furniture, the pictures on the walls, and the smell of the kitchen all reminded her of her childhood.

As soon as she stepped inside her mother hugged her. "I missed you so much." She heard her mom say between her tears. Nora wiped her moms tears and told her that she had also missed her.

Her mom asked if she wanted tea and she said yes please.

As Nora sat at the kitchen table sipping her tea, her thoughts drifted back to Luca. She wondered what he was doing at that moment, and if he was thinking about her too. She smiled to herself, realizing how much she had grown to care about him.

Her mom looked at her and asked what was on her mind.

She told her mom about Luca and her mixed feelings.

Her mom adviced her to follow her heart.

The two of them spoke for hours before her mom said she's going to go nap a bit.

Nora decided that she's going to walk around town a bit. As she was walking she got a text from Luca, "Hey, hope you're doing well. How's your hometown?" Nora smiled at the text and replied, "It's great. Just taking a walk around and enjoying the memories."

Luca replied back, "That sounds lovely. Wish I could be there with you."

Nora's heart skipped a beat. She didn't know what to say, but she knew that she wanted to see him again.

As the sun began to set, Nora made her way back to her childhood home.

As she entered her home she saw her older brother, Colin, laying on the couch.

He saw her and he jumped up and run to her. The two of them hugged and cried. They haven't seen each other in months.

Nora and Colin talked about Colin's football career, he has been playing in the NFL for the last 5 years.

After a while their mom decided to join them. She said that she ordered pizza and that it would be here soon.

They sat in the living room, watching TV, and talking about old times.Nora couldn't help but feel grateful for having her family close by

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PS: I will be updating daily for the next three days.

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