I stare down at the girl, "You wanna call my cock E.T?"

A small laugh spurts from her chest. I wish I could somehow sew the sound into my fucking heart. I do remember how my envisioning of aliens was different from hers. I saw Stitch from my favourite movie and she saw that ugly little shit, E.T.

Violet snuggles against my chest, "E.T loves me."

"Sure fucking does."

She smiles as if that's her little victory. And then I feel the uncontrollable need to point out and smirk, "That technically means E.T's covered in your cum."

Her jaw literally falls. Disgust overcomes her features, scrunching up her face. She tries to shove herself away from me.

"No. You're never touching me again. You need help. Serious help." She intended to just push me away but our limbs are tangled and my arms wrestle with hers now. In an instant, I've slid her right back to me, a laugh breaking from my chest.

I expect her to fight again but asides from the briefly annoyed expression, she seems too comfortable.

"Done fighting already?" I muse with a smile, propping myself up on an elbow so I have a better view of her face.

"Yeah." She sighs, "Cuddle me."

I grin. Fuck yes.

I don't cuddle her. I literally bear hug the girl, closely burying my head in her neck and making her cry out with a laugh. My arms wound around her, like she's literally my life-sized teddy bear I wanna carry around everywhere. At all times.

When I look down to her, I wonder what she's thinking. A trip in Violet's mind would probably be anxiety inducing and amusing as hell all at once. She's always thinking and I can always see it.

"Your face is so fucking expressive, sweetheart." I  smirk against her neck and she freezes like I caught her, "I can see you rambling inside your own head."

"That's impossible." She refutes.

"Possible with me."

"I'm way too dependent on you." She seems to blurt, lost in her head but in a wistful, adorable way, "Sometimes, I just wanna attach to you and never let go, Everest. Doesn't make me feel like a very independent, badass woman. Like Ria."

"You're so badass, Violet Fawn." I argue. I hate that she doesn't believe it. Sure she's the most tender of us, the most gentle but that shouldn't be mistaken for weakness.

She looks like she's about to protest so I cut in, "You're a millionaire. You raised a little brother. You set a car on fire, after keying it. You've spray painted cop cars with me and punched an asshole right in the fucking face."

She starts to smile. When I put it like that, it does sound badass. My girlfriend's the most badass ever.

"You know what else?" My tone softens and she shuts her eyes as if I'm singing her a lullaby, just with my voice. She is tired.

"What?" Violet whispers.

"You survived." I whispers it into her ear, like it's the best secret of all. Because it is.

Slowly, Violet's smile fades and she bites her bottom lip to try and stifle the emotion that overcomes her. She's so fucking strong, I wish she could see it from my eyes.

But ever since that night in Boston, it's like she's lost faith in herself. She doesn't want to face her pain but by doing that, it's eating her up inside. She's not sleeping well. She dazes out so much in group situations.

Misfits (#2)Where stories live. Discover now