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I'm trying not to retreat into that place in my head, where I want to blame myself. It's hard. Really hard and when Everest's pulled into the room, already sporting a cut lip, it's a lot harder.

I know he can get out of Grayson's grip if he wants to. But he's too focused on me as soon as he enters, scouring his eyes over my body with so much fear in his eyes. My heart breaks into two as I see him.

This isn't going to end well. Only yesterday, we were wrapped up in one another. Our own world that nobody could invade and now it's being torn down and we're being pulled apart. I can feel it as Grayson keeps him by the wall. It's my fault. This isn't his family or his business.

Everest's the least likely person to get wrapped up in reputation, and families like these. The least deserving. I brought him into it all.

"How lovely. A reunion." Dean speaks.

Everest's eyes flit over the room, taking in everyone. His eyes flit to Sage and I've never seen two people so desperate to pounce at each other.

I can barely breathe. Ashamed and exploited and ruined.

"You." Clara speaks up, Dean's mother, whose been sitting idly this whole time. Her husband sits besides her with a bored expression. I wonder if he's seen the pictures too. Of course he has, they're all over the floor.

I feel sick to my stomach the longer I stand here. The more I realise just how bad of a predicament I'm in.

Clara looks at Ev in disgust, "I can't believe you associate with such filth, Violet. You've always been disappointing but for some reason, my sweet boy's sights are set on you."

"So pricks run in your family?" Everest asks Dean flatly.

Clara gasps. Dean snarls, "At least I have a mother."

"Good one." Everest drawls, rolling his jaw and wincing, "Though mine's dead and she still seems more interesting."

He doesn't know what he's doing, or what's happening. I want to run to him. Get us out of here somehow.

"Don't provoke me!" Dean almost yells now, across the room from him.

"But you're like a yippy little chihuahua." Everest says back, "It's hard not to, Deany."

Grayson's watching the interaction and I swear I see the smallest hint of amusement. It fades quick when he sees me, and then the photographs that Dean's picking up. He tosses it to Everest's feet like he'd thrown it at mine.

I shut my eyes, not being able to watch. I'm not sure I've ever felt so humiliated in my life. Never so unsafe. I was watched within the privacy of my own home and now, every moment with Ev feels exploited, open to everyone's eyes. He was mine. We were each other's and Dean's twisted it to benefit himself.

"What the fuck is this." Any humour has gone from his voice, anger overtaking him in its stead, "What the fuck is this?!"

He thrashes in Grayson's hold but Gray smashes him back against the wall, caging him in. Everest looks down at him fiercely, "Let go of me or I throw you halfway across the fucking room."

"You want me to punch you again?" Gray snaps back, "Stay here. Don't provoke him, for the better of her."

Everest looks to me now and we're too far away from each other. Tears are silently streaming down my face, arms wrapped around myself like it offers some sort of protection from all this cruelty. I stare at his blue eyes and they're pierced with pain. Not for himself, but for me. We can feel it, everything shifting beneath our feet.

Misfits (#2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz