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Jet lag weighs heavy on me, fatigue settling into my every limb as me and Sage walk back into the manor. Home for the first time in weeks. I probably would've been more disheartened walking back in here if it wasn't for the sight of Azure.

He's draped lazily on a velvet chair, paperback sat on his chest. His head tilts as soon as he spots me enter, sporting a teeny smile he tries to hide.

I don't care. I walk over, yank him up and crush him to me. I sigh, "Oh god, I missed you."

"So don't kill me at first sight." He mumbles but lifts his arms, wrapping them around me too. It's barely noticeable but he melts into my embrace as I shake us back and forth, "I'm glad you're back."

"You could just admit to missing me too." I smile and pull away to kiss his forehead to taunt. I smatter kisses over his face until he's pulling away desperately. I love him, I did truly miss him and I'm glad to have him in my sights again.

"Where's Grayson?" I ask, though it makes my nerves spike high.

I haven't spoken to him nor seen him since the night Everest had snuck in. Or more specifically, punched him in the face. I've been lucky that Gray hasn't said a word about it yet but more likely, it's because he usually forgets what he does when he's drunk like that. Only seeing him will tell me that.

"Out." Azure shrugs.


"Somewhere." He shrugs again.

"What a warm welcome." I quip and smile at Ruth who stands in the doorway, in all her coldness. I wave and she just raises one grimacing eyebrow.

Colton walks in from behind her and I smile upon seeing his large figure too. Likewise, his stoic expression doesn't shift.

"Hi." I say as he walks into the room.

"Evening." He nods once but keeps walking, like he's heading out to the other room so I quickly block his path, standing in front of him.

"I- actually, need a ride." I smile nervously.

"Where?" Sage is the one to ask, unclasping his silver watch and loosening his tie.

"Aurelie's house." I lie to him, again.

I'm not exactly sure what my plan is here. I need to get to Everest and I'm not waiting any longer, even if it's nighttime soon. But now that Colton's present as I've lied to Sage, I'm not going to be able to tell him to drive me somewhere else, instead of Aurelie's house.

I just need to hope that Everest's at his own home, and not some party somewhere which is a long shot. I can walk to his house, from Aurelie's. God, I should've thought this through. I just need to get to him and the overwhelming urge to is blinding anything else.

"I thought you'd fallen out." He comments.

"We're okay now." I assure, "I might spend the night there, it's been a while. Is that okay?"

"Colton will drive you." Sage nods and after greeting Azure with a pat to his shoulder, he saunters off. I walk over to the coat rack and pick up my fluffy white one, holding it around my shoulders.

"When I'm back, we're eating apple tarts and catching up in the library." I look back to Azure whose settled back in his seat, book open, "See you soon."

"Tell him I hate him." Azure says easily and my eyes widen. His emerald eyes flit up to mine, a knowing look in them. Of course he'd know I'm lying. I don't say anything as I shoot him a look and slip outside, the sky a navy blue and the headlights of the Bentley brightening the dark.

Misfits (#2)Where stories live. Discover now