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I see Sage first, as soon as I turn the corner of the hospital hallway. He looks, and as soon as his eyes meet mine, I think I almost break into two.

His perfectly pressed suit. Dark hair. Tall frame. He starts walking over immediately and I rush to meet him halfway, colliding. He lifts me, holds me tight and I hold him infinitely tighter for the first time in months.

"Bluebird." He barely whispers and I bury my face in his shoulder.

I haven't seen my family in months because of blackmail and a cruel boy. This time apart has been exhausting in a way that I think will always stick with me.

"Hi, Sage."

His arms lock around me tighter. I don't think either of us know how to articulate how much we missed each other but when I pull back, I see it in his blue eyes that soften for me.

I run a finger along his jawline, stubble growing, "Don't grow old on me."

"I'm twenty six. Give me a break." He responds, both of us smiling.

He looks weaker than usual. Red eyes, deeper eye bags and his hair slightly more messy. He blames himself. I know my brothers. Especially now when he looks at me, it's as if his heart's breaking. I can't stand the sight of it so I look to the room door.

He starts to open it, "Gray wouldn't shut up. He wanted you here more than anyone."

I smile lightly before Sage opens up the door and I see Grayson, slumped in a chair. As soon as I see the baby cradled in his arms, a bit of my heart melts and becomes reserved solely for that girl.

Gray's eyes flit open from sleep and he spots me. He looks a lot more unkept than Sage, exhausted, but once his eyes meet mine, his lips quirk up in that lazy smile he's known for. I want to run over to him too but I take a gentler approach, walking over.

"Anastasia." Gray says, his voice deep and tired as he looks down to her, "Anna, for short."

"Can I hold her?"

"Not even gonna give me a hug, ballerina? Forgotten about me now that she's here?" He cocks a sharp eyebrow.

I smack a hurried kiss on his forehead, his blonde brown hair a mess, "There. Now let me hold my niece."

His smile rises higher and the sight of it eases my stomach. Grayson and Charlotte didn't want a child. It was never their plan, never together and never in the lifestyles they live - rich, filthy, depraved. But seeing him hold her with such care, look down at her with such love, I have no doubt that little Anna's dearly loved.

And although her dad's imperfect and kinda psycho sometimes, he's a psycho that's going to protect his little girl, that's for sure.

I sit and Grayson places her gently in my arms. Fast asleep and swaddled in a pink blanket, I hold my niece for the first time. Anastasia has her dad's blonde hair and her mother's fair skin and I adore her already. I think my heart's swelling beneath my ribs.

"Don't cry." They both say at same time.

Tears well the longer I look down to her, "How's Charlotte? How are both of you?"

"Charlotte had a few complications," Gray says and my eyes narrow at that look in his eyes. Raw concern. Raw pain. As much as it makes me worry for her, it almost takes me aback. I've never seen that look in him for anyone but his siblings.

I know they're having a child together now and things change, but their back and forth hatred has been strong since they were little kids. God, how twisted their story is.

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