As soon as they entered in, Aeras face scrunched up at the smell of alcohol and sweat.

She saw people dancing, drinking and doing whatever shit they want.

She wondered why Nia chose this place.

"Let's find her. I want to leave this place", she said not even excited to enjoy the party.

She thought the party would be fun, not like this.

Okay, maybe this was fun to many people, but not her.

As they pushed through the people, trying to find Nia, Aera noticed the dress code.

They were class and kinda dark colored, mostly.

Not at all like what she wore.

Maybe she could've chosen a better outfit.

Her doe eyes scanned the place.

Chan was holding her hand as he was leading her through the people.

Aera had her another hand, tightly clutched around her gift.

Chan spotted Nia.

He dragged Aera with him as he shouted, " I have seen her. Let's go".

The music was banging loud.

People were going crazy.

Aera felt many pushes hear and there.

A man was following them quietly.

He smirked as he got closer.

He was about to touch her butt, ready to molest the girl.

That when he felt an iron grip around his wrist.

Before he could blink, he was dragged into a silent hallway.

He was positioned against the wall, with a knife on his neck.

A man who was clad in black from top to bottom has his fierce glare fixed on him.

One couldn't see his face because he had a mask and a cap.

"Leave me bastard. What did I do?", The man asked.

He could only hear a humourless chuckle.

Next second his body fell on the floor lifeless.

"Thinking about touching my baby bird is a sin ", The second man scoffed out.

"Happy Birthday, Nia-shi", Aera said extending her gift with a smile.

"Thank you, unnie" Nia said with a smile.

Chan didn't even bother to wish as he nodded his head.

Nia was not alone.

She was accompanied with some girls.

"These are my friends, from my old school", Nia introduced them.

"Hey, what's your name?", A girl asked coming near Chan.

"Miso, don't try. Sunbaenim has a girlfriend", Nia said with seriousness.

"I don't care. What about one night stand?", Miso asked winking.

By seeing Chan's expression, Aera could understand that girl asked something she shouldn't.

"You are a kid. Behave like one", Chan gritted out.

"Please don't bother him", Aera said with a smile.

"How about bothering you?", Miso asked.

"Miso, respect her. She is older than us", Nia said.

Miso checked out Aera from head to toe.

Princess - BTS Brothers FFWhere stories live. Discover now