59 ¦ Not For Sale

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"I don't love you," I answer immediately. And it's true. Even if I still harbored feelings for him immediately after the incident at his birthday party, I'm long over him by now. "I have a wonderful fiancé who I'm going to marry soon and with whom I'm expecting a child. You've long since been written off, face it."

"No!" Yeosang yells, pressing himself against me. It doesn't feel nice to be so close to him. His closeness disgusts me, but I'm too weak to push him away from me. "I've realized my mistakes, Dolores. And I'm sorry. I've loved you all this time, and I still love you. Just give me a chance, one chance. Please..."

"Let go of me now," I urge Yeosang, who is still menacingly close to my face. But instead of letting go of me, he wants to close the gap between us and kiss me. I quickly turn my face away from him so that his lips merely meet my cheek.

I start to resist more, but the more I resist, the tighter his fingers grip my wrists and the more painful it becomes. Suddenly a car stops at the side of the road; a black Bentley. His black Bentley.

I don't know whether to be happy or worried, because what's happening here is not going to please him at all. The driver's door opens briskly and a furious Sunghoon gets out of the car. Without closing the door behind him, he storms toward us.

Immediately Yeosang lets go of me and before I can even realize what's going on, Sunghoon is already pushing him away from me, causing him to stagger backwards and fall to the ground. "Don't you dare lay a hand on her ever again!" says Sunghoon hatefully.

Yeosang, who is gradually picking himself up off the ground, laughs derisively. "We both know she likes that," he scoffs. My heart skips a beat and I feel a slight tug in my chest. Tears well up in my eyes. Sunghoon can barely hold himself up; he heads for Yeosang and takes a swing at him, knocking him back to the ground from where he just stood up.

But it doesn't stop there, Sunghoon really goes for him, wanting to punch him some more. But before he can do that, I grab his fist, which he has already lashed out with. "Let it go, Sunghoon," I try to plead with my fiancé. I'm not doing it for Yeosang's sake, but for Sunghoon's sake. If anyone sees this, it could have nasty consequences for him.

"Why?", Sunghoon yells at me. Startled, I flinch and take a step back. "Do you still have feelings for that bastard?" My eyes fall on Yeosang, who is holding his split lip and looking up at me with a sneer. He seems to like the fact that Sunghoon and I are fighting because of him.

"Of course not," I reply in shock. Just the fact that he is considering I might still have feelings for Yeosang hurts me deeply. It's as if Sunghoon is questioning my feelings for him, even though he knows full well that I love him and only him. He's my fiancé, I'm expecting a child with him, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him by my side.

"I love you, Hoon. And that's why I want you to let go of him. I don't want you to get in trouble. Let's just go home... Please," I plead with him. "You're lucky she's there" Sunghoon growls addressing Yeosang. "If you go near her or touch her one more time, I won't hesitate. Got it?"

"Come on now," I say before this gets any further out of hand and grab Sunghoon's hand to maneuver him toward the car. The latter, however, immediately pulls his hand out of mine. He is angry. At Yeosang. And obviously at me, too. But why? I haven't done anything wrong.

Silently we get into the car and Sunghoon starts the engine, driving off immediately. From the side angle, I still notice Yeosang standing up and looking at us, but I don't return his gaze. I never want to see him again. He brings nothing but bad vibes upon Sunghoon and me, and I don't want that.

Ten minutes later, Sunghoon drives up the big driveway to his house and parks the black Bentley in the garage. Instead of getting out of the car, however, he remains seated with his eyes straight ahead. His fingers clutch the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles stick out white and he clenches his jaw.

"Why are you so angry?", I cautiously feel my way toward him. A soft snort escapes his lips. "You don't know?" he wants to know. His voice sounds irritated. Confused, I pull my eyebrows together and cross my arms in front of my chest. "No," I blurt back.

It hurts me that he's talking to me like this when I'm not aware of any wrongdoing. "I have no idea what you think I did. After all, it's not my fault that Yeosang pushed me." "You came to his defense because you didn't want him to get hurt, because you still like him," Sunghoon asserts in a bubbling voice, wrapping his fingers tighter and tighter around the steering wheel.

"Are you listening to yourself?" Now I raise my voice as well. I am stunned and angry that Sunghoon is so narrow-minded. Has he already forgotten what Yeosang wanted to do to me? How can he think that I could have feelings for him?

Tears well up in my eyes. "I didn't want you to do something you'd regret afterward. I stopped you because I love you and because I don't want you to get into trouble." Sunghoon remains silent. He obviously has nothing more to say to that.

Finally, he loosens his grip on the steering wheel. "Dolores-," he puts in, trying to reach for my face, but I back away. "No, you know what?", I ask in a cold voice, unbuckling my seatbelt. "Why don't you believe what you want? If that's how you think of me, I can't help you either."

I open the passenger door and want to get out, but Sunghoon pulls me back by the arm. "Wait," he sighs. Despair and regret are reflected in his brown eyes. But I don't feel like discussing it with him any further.

So I free myself from his loose grip and get out of the car, slamming the door loudly behind me and walking into the house, where I retreat to the guest room instead of our bedroom.

Crying, I pull the covers over my head and tighten my legs slightly when I suddenly notice a tingling, slightly squeezing sensation in my stomach. Immediately I stop and concentrate on the feeling, which I already noticed a few days ago for the first time.

Carefully I place my hand on my belly. A smile spreads on my lips as I realize that it is our baby that I feel. I immediately rise from the big four-poster bed to look for Sunghoon. But he is not there. Neither in the house, nor in the garage. Even the car is gone.


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